Part 29

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Sorry for pissing you all off with Gauri and her antics hehehehehe

"This one?" Omkara asked once again holding up a different school bag.

"No." Sassy pouted.

Omkara sighs and looks for another one.

"Sahasra, we went through 3 shops already, please pick one." Gauri said trying to hold on to her temper.

"But I didn't like anything." Sassy replied sadly.

"It's okay. There is another shop down the road we will try there." Omkara consoled.

"I am just too tired. And she won't like anything there also" Gauri sighed.

"She is going to a new school so she should have everything that she loves." Omkara said sternly, the whole day he had ignored her most of the time, and talked to her only if it was necessary. Omkara had been a little hesitant in the beginning as he was not able to forget the fact that Sassy is not his and he couldn't forgive Gauri for it but seeing Sassy's excitement, he had gotten into the mood and happily took around Sassy to shops picking up everything that she liked.

"How about this one?" Gauri takes one school bag and shows Sassy proudly.

Sassy looks at the bag and then gives Gauri a look which clearly said 'How did you think that I would even look at a bag like that?'

Keeping back the bag angrily Gauri said "OKAY FINE! Now you yourself pick a bag. I am done!"

Sassy simply turns and looks around checking out the bags.

Gauri sits down in one of the chairs nearby watching Sassy rejecting a bag one of the salesmen showed her. A while later, Omkara also gives up tired, and looks around for a seat and the only available one was next to Gauri, as much as he hated to be near her, he was just too tired so he slowly walked towards the seat and sat. They sat in a comfortable silence as they watched Sassy opening a school bag and checking it.

"It feels like yesterday." Suddenly Gauri said.

Omkara turns to look at her confused

"that I took her in my arms for the first time." Gauri turns to look at him and her face was a vivid picture, of happiness, astonishment, pain, nostalgia.

Omkara remains silent as she continues.

"She was just this big." Gauri says keeping her palms at a distance, "I was so scared to take her in my arms. I was so scared I would drop her and finally I took her in my arms and she had looked at me. And that moment was'" she stopped trying to think of the right word, finally not finding any appropriate word she shrugs "I don't know. I had lived my whole life in that moment. I was so happy then."

Omkara slowly looks away to hide the tears that were threatening to spill. He would give his life, to be there in that moment with her. Holding Sassy with her, see her first smile, hear her first word, and encourage her to take her first step.

Gauri quickly wipes off her tears, and tried to compose herself as she was about to tell him how she had missed him that moment and wished he had been with her then. How she had cried for him then.

After both had composed themselves Gauri said "And now she is picking her school bag. She just grew upon me. Tomorrow she would be shopping for her prom dress and then soon she would be shopping for her wedding dress." By the time, she finished she was slowly freaking out.

Omkara couldn't help smile hearing that.

"She will be one beautiful bride." He finally said.

"I know." Gauri agreed.

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