Part 12

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Thanks to all for voting and commenting on the previous part

Doorbell rings and Gauri opens the door realizing that Shaurya, Sahasra and Jeeju were back from their outing and she sees Shaurya standing there with a big smile on his face.

"Guess who your new neighbor is?" Omkara asks her excitedly.

Gauri stood there in shock. Shaurya is her neighbor?!?!?!

Sahasra excitedly replies. "Omki!!"

Gauri looked at her daughter in his hands. Then back at him. She was losing her temper. He was following her. First her office, then her daughter and now her house. She couldn't take it anymore. She was about to let out her temper when Shivaay walked in.

"So, Omkara when are you going to move in?" Shivaay asks him.

Omkara without turning back continues looking at Gauri with a smile he replies. "I am free tomorrow... and I can't wait to move in."

"Oh okay... if you need any help, don't hesitate to ask." Shivaay tells him.

"Oh don't worry, I am shameless, I will be coming over here all the time asking for one thing or the other." Omkara cheerfully replies. Then with an sly smirk he adds, "I hope you won't mind Gauri."

It took all that she had to smile at him, but she didn't say anything.

Omkara smiles at her, then turns towards Shivaay.

"It's really late, I should be going."

Shivaay nodes. Omkara turns to Sahasra and smiles at her.

"Goodnight Sassy."

He kisses her on her cheeks and she kisses him back. And again for a second, Omkara's world stopped. He again kisses her.

"Goodnight Omki."

"And be ready in the morning, I will be coming for you?" Omkara tells her.

Gauri's heart skipped a beat and asks. "For what?"

"For helping me move in." Omkara tells her.

Shivaay laughs. While Gauri slowly starts releasing her breath without even realizing that she was holding her breath.

"Goodnight Shivaay, Sweet dreams Gauri."

Gauri just looked at him shock, when he winked at her. Shivaay was about to reach for Sahasra, when Omkara immediately gave her to Gauri. Somehow, Sahasra in Shivaay's hands didn't feel good to Omkara.

Gauri was lying in bed with Sahasra.

"Mama, Omki is really nice... na?"


"I like him."

Gauri looks at Sahasra and smiles at her. then she asks, "More than Mama?"

"Hmmm no."

Gauri kisses her on her forehead.

"Do you like Omki, Mama?"

hearing that question, Gauri's eyes starts filling with tears. She turns her head the other side, and slowly wipes off her tears.

"Do you, Mama?" Sassy wanted her mother to like her new friend as much as she liked him.


Sassy starts smiling.

Much later, Gauri was still awake, while Sassy slept with a smile on her face. She had no idea where her destiny was taking her. And she didn't know why Shaurya was doing all this. A part of her wanted to go back to him. The part she thought had died when he had left her, the part that still loved him, and dreamt of a happy life with him. But then other part of her, wanted to kill him for all that he had done to her and her family. Not only was hers, her father's life was also destroyed when he left her. The pain, the sorrow she had gone through when he had left her, was still fresh in her mind. She thought back to the time, when he had left her.

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