Part 37 + Epilogue

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Thank you all for voting and commenting on the previous part. Finally, here is the final part. I want to dedicate this story to everyone who had read this story, specially those who had already read the Rishabala version, but still took out their time to read the Rikara version. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!<3

Omkara takes Gauri's hand and walks out. He takes her to the middle of the garden, stops and turns to look at her. Seeing her tears, he gently wipes it off.

"Shaurya..." without letting her complete Omkara pulls her into his arms and hugs her tight.

The moment her face hit his chest, Gauri started crying out loudly. Omkara securely held her as he too gave into to his tears. Omkara cups her face in his palms and starts showering her with kisses. Gauri immediately held on to his wrist as she cherished his love and kisses. In the end, Omkara leaned down and took her lips in his and kissed her, a kiss filled with love, passion and promises.

"Shhh" Omkara says as he gently shook his head at her wiping off her tears.

"I'm sorry Shaurya." Gauri hiccups.

"Why are you saying sorry? I should be the one saying sorry for believing that you would leave me for money. I should be apologizing for accusing you and insulting you. I hurt you so much Gauri... I'm sorry. I didn't even let you speak when you tried telling me the truth. I'm so..."

"No, Shaurya." Gauri cuts him off "I hurt you a lot. I had promised you that I would always trust you over others after that Ridhima issue and I never kept my promise. It was not your fault, it was never your fault, the situation was such that you believed others, and you were angry with me and thought I was lying again. You don't have to say sorry." Gauri says as she wiped his tears off and gently kissed him on his lips.

"Then marry me." Omkara says.

Gauri looks at him in shock and then asks with fresh tears falling from her eyes "How can you forgive me, Shaurya? How can you forget what I did? I wrote jeeju's name as Sahasra's father, so you won't take her away from me. Though it was just a page and not the official document, I still did that to you and Sahasra. How can you forget that?"

"You lost me, Gauri and you were scared to lose Sassy. You had no other way out, and you were helpless, Sassy was all you had. If I can't understand that, then what is the use of me loving you for all these years?"

Hearing Omkara say that Gauri starts crying even more, hugging him she says "I love you, Shaurya. I have always loved you and I will always love you."

"If you love me so much then why did you leave me and Sassy?" Omkara asks accusingly as he pushed Gauri away from him.

"I would have come back."


"The day I forgive myself, and feel that I deserve you two." Gauri says.

"Don't ever say that again. Sassy and I can't live without you. You are everything to us, and we will be lost without you." Omkara tells her sincerely.

"Even I can't live without you two."

"Then just shut up and marry me." Omkara orders her.

"Can't you ask me nice and properly?" Gauri asks pushing him angrily.

"Come on, Gauri just say yes!"


Omkara immediately goes on his knees and says dramatically "Gauri Kumari Sharma you are the only person who can make me go on my knees and beg you to marry me, you are the only person who can make my heart skip a beat or make my heart gallop with just a smile, you are the only person who can make me fall in love every single day of my life, you are the only person who can complete me, you are the only person I'll ever ask this, will you marry me?"

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