Part 25

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Thanks to all for voting and commenting on the previous part.

Sassy was sitting on Omkara's lap and watching TV as he busily typed on his laptop. Omkara was sitting in an awkward posture as he had to keep his laptop towards the side rather than directly in front of him as that was blocking Sassy's perfect view of the TV right across his desk. And now his sides were starting to ache, but then he didn't care. He stopped typing once again when he heard her laugh. He looked down at her, and saw her laughing and enjoying Tom and Jerry to the hilt. Each time she laughed, she wobbled back hitting him on his chest. He smiles and leans down and kisses her on her head. She immediately looks up and smiles at him.

"Did you finish your work, Omki?" she enquired with a smile.

"Five more minutes, baby."

"Okay." she shakes her head and goes back to watching her show.

"Okay done!" Omkara declared as he put his laptop on standby.

"Okay, let's play." Sassy excitedly told him as she pressed on the power button on the TV remote.

"What do you want to play?" Omkara asked her.

"Hmmm let's play hide and seek." She said.



"Okay." Omkara and Sassy were about to get up when there was a knock on the door, and once Omkara told that person to enter, Tanya walked in.

"Sassy, Gauri is calling you." Tanya informed her with a smile.

Sassy starts frowning as she instructed Tanya "Only Omki calls me, Sassy."

Omkara was shocked when he heard that, he remembers how his mother used to tease him saying how he used to get pissed when someone used to call him Shaurya other than her.

"Only Mom calls me, Shaurya." Apparently he used to say.

He looked at Sassy in shock. Was he reading too much into it, or was it some kind of a sign that what he thought is the truth?

"I can't call you Sassy?" Tanya asked still smiling.

Sassy shook her head in negative.

Tanya sighs "Okay, then Sahashra it is."

Sassy smiles at Tanya then she turns to Omkara "I will go to Mama?"

"Okay. But come fast." Omkara told her.

"Okay." She jumps down and dashed off towards the door while Omkara and Tanya smiled at her running form.

"MAMA!!!" Sahasra screamed excitedly as she ran into Gauri's cabin.

"My baby, come here" Gauri says as she opens her arms wide for her daughter.

Sassy runs to her mother and hugs her tight "Did you call me?"

"Yeah. I was wondering where you were. When you get Omki, you don't want me...huh?" Gauri asked her with a pout.

"No, Mama. I want you also." Sassy says as she kissed her mother.

Gauri smiles at her and kisses her back and then settles her daughter on her lap.

"What were you doing there?"

"I was watching Tom and Jerry."

"Really? What about Omki?"

"He was working. Then we were going to play when you called me."

For a second Gauri contemplated on telling Sahashra not to disturb Shaurya much but then she decided against it. He was her father, and if she didn't have the right to disturb him during work, then who did?

"Mama, today Tom ate bomb." Sassy said as she giggled remembering how funny that scene was.

"Really?" Gauri asked acting shocked.

"Yeah Mama. He didn't know it was bomb." She started laughing as she explained it all to her mother. Soon Gauri and Sassy were laughing and telling stories.

Abhay walks into Omkara's cabin.


"Abhay? Did you find out anything?" Omkara asked excitedly and a little tensed.

"No... no." Abhay immediately replies. "I came to ask you whether you want details on Gauri also. Like what she did there, who all she knew, the relations and all?"

"No." Omkara replied in a clipped tone. He had no intentions of digging up her relation with Shivaay. Thinking about itself makes him want to kill; he didn't want to know the kind of relation she shared with Shivaay. "Just Sahasra. And every single detail on her."

"Okay." Abhay nodded. He wondered what had happened between Omkara and Gauri. As far as he had known Omkara and Gauri loved each other a lot. And when he came back home after he finished his studies in U.K, he found out that they were not together. That was it. No details. Just that they were not together. He was about to leave, when he stopped and looked at Omkara and smiled as he said "She is very cute."

Omkara gives him a brilliant smile "I know. She is such a darling. You should talk to her; you will adore her like anything."

"I know." Abhay said confidently. "She has Gauri's face."

"Yeah I know."

"But her eyes..."

"Yeah I know." Omkara says as he thought about whose eyes she could have inherited thinking Abhay was going to say that Sassy's eyes didn't look like Gauri's.

Abhay felt like a fool. Obviously Omkara bhai would have noticed the strong resemblance in their eyes; maybe that's why he had asked him to check on Sassy's details. All this while he had thought Omkara bhai had asked for details because Gauri was an unwed mom. He had found that out when he had read her file yesterday, so he had presumed that was the only reason Omkara bhai wanted details, now he understood. Omkara bhai was looking for evidence to fight his case when he claimed custody for his daughter as he had no doubt that he would claim his daughter.

"Okay. I will get back to work." Abhay said.

Omkara nods as he again thought about Sassy. She is his daughter, he knew it. He just knew it.

Sassy had spent the rest of the morning with her mother chatting and playing. Only after a long time did she remember the promise she had made Omki of coming back. She ran to Omki's office and opens the door wide announcing her presence. But she stood there in shock as she took in the sight before her.

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- Lazy

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