Meeting Elijah, The Original

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Chapter Ten

I knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. "Georgie! Hey," Mrs. Lockwood greeted, hugging me.

"Hi, Mrs. Lockwood," I smiled.

"You must be here for Tyler, he's in his father's study," she said and I nodded. She let me in after complimenting me on my outfit. I was wearing a teal pencil skirt, a black blouse, and a pair of black leather boots. I'd figure I'd take Tyler out today for us to spend some time together. "Thank you," I told her before making my way to the office/study.

When I got there Tyler was rummaging through his father's desk. "Knock, knock," I sang, knocking on the wooden door frame.

"Georgie? Hey," Tyler greeted, stopping everything he was doing. His eyes raked my body and widened afterwards. "You," he stated and I blushed.

"Can you come say hi?" I asked, leaning against the door frame. He cleared his throat and slowly nodded before walking over to me. I pulled him in a hug and held him tight. When we pulled away he went to talk but I didn't allow any words to escape his mouth because I kissed him instead. "I missed you," I said against his lips.

"Yeah," he muttered, pulling away completely. "About that, where were you?" He asked.

"With Elena. She was home sick and I was taking care of her. And today? I just didn't feel like going at all so I stayed in bed."

"Oh," he muttered, kissing my forehead.

"Anyways I was hoping you and I could spend the rest of today together," I suggested and he bit his lip.

"I'd love to mom needs help moving some furniture," he rushed out.


"Tyler?! Caroline is here!" Carol shouted.

"Caroline?" I asked him and he coughed awkwardly.

"We um...We decided to go check out something."

"Check out what, exactly?" I questioned, crossing my arms.

"Just my family's old property."

"Are you lying to me right now?" I asked. What was he going to do that for and with Caroline of all people? They hate each other.

"No, I'm telling the truth. We're going to take a look at it because I think that's where Mason was heading that night we saw that wolf," he answered.

"Why Caroline?" I frowned.

"She just understands me, right now. She can relate."

"And I can't," I finished, biting my lip.

"Baby, this means nothing. She's just being a friend, trying to heelp me with all this werwolf stuff. She's the only one who knows how I feel...she's going through something," he said.

"Whatever," I mumbled, turning around to leave but he grabbed my arm. "Let go," I pleaded.

"Listen to me, Georgie. I love you. You," he stated, pulling me back until my back was against his chest. His arms wrapped around my small frame and he held me. "I still want you. This is just something I'm going to do with her. Afterwards we can do something," he said.

"No, I'm going home," I whispered.

"Georgie, please don't be like this," he begged, his mouth next to my ear.

"How am I supposed act? You lied to me so you could hang out with one of my best friend. Now you're telling me she's the only person that understands you and that she can relate to the fact you're a werwolf. You've ignored me for the last two days. What am I supposed to think? I know about that day Tyler when you confronted her at her house. I know you two have been talking or hanging out," I stated.

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