The Sacrifice

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Chapter Twenty

I angrily kicked at the rock wall as Damon struggled for a moment to move it. Finally he did and I pushed him forward so we can get to Care and Ty. "Damon?" Caroline asked as he came into view first.

"Your boyfriend's outside with a rifle loaded with wooden bullets," Damon said walking forwards. I quickly shoved him out of my way to see both people I loved tied up in chains while sitting against the rocky wall.

"Georgie!" Tyler exclaimed, breathing out in relief. I rushed over to him, pressing my lips to his for a small peck.

"You have explaining to do," Damon told Care as he began undoing her chains.

"What? Matt?" Care asked in confusion.

"Matt knows about you?" Tyler asked shocked.

"No. I--" she began.

"Shh. Tomorrow's problem. Why don't we get you out of here?" Damon suggested and I nodded. We needed to hurry. Damon got her loose and came over to me. "Do I really have to?" He asked me and I glared at him.

"If you want to live to see tomorrow," I snapped and he chuckled, quickly beginning to get Tyler out of his chains as he talked about the fact it was getting dark soon.

"I'll make sure he's locked up. Now, come on," I demanded, rushing him.

"I don't want you there," Damon told me.

"I don't care," I retorted.

"How the hell you two are friends, I still don't know," Caroline mused and we both shot her a glare before I smacked Damon to finish getting Tyler out. Once he was out I pulled him to his feet, hugging him.

"I'm okay, baby. I'm fine," he told me, kissing the top of my head.

"Let's go, love birds," Damon grunted. I grabbed Tyler's hand and we ran out behind Care and Damon. When we got out the tomb it was dark and the moon was out and Matt was groaning. Care rushed to his side before I could make it.

"Did you hit him?" Care asked.

"Did you already forget the part about the gun with the wooden bullets?" Damon asked and before I knew it Tyler jerked away from me, groaning.

"Babe?" I frowned, slowly approaching his crouched body.

"Tyler?" Care called.

"It's starting," Ty said, grabbing my hand again while his other hand was held over his chest.

"Ugh. Grab boy wonder. Let's go," Damon said, grabbing my other hand, trying to tug me to his side and away from Tyler.

"Damon," I frowned, trying to tug my hand away. He rolled his eyes and let my hand go.

"Come on," Care said to Matt who was now up and looking at us all in confusion. We all began moving with me wrapping my arm around Tyler. "Are you sure you're okay?" I asked and Ty nodded.

"I will be. You don't have to stay with metonight," Ty said softly.

"I want to. I missed it the first time. I'm not missing it again," I told him sternly.

"What's happened? Is he okay?" Matt asked as we all ran, well jogged really.

"He better not wolf out on us," Damon said and I flipped him off, kissing Ty's cheek as he struggled to keep going. Then Damon's phone rang.

"Bad time, little bro," Damon answered. "Saving the day. Figured you'd understand. Just tell Elena to stay put... What?"

"I'll take care of it," Damon grunted and I furrowed my eyebrows, leaving Ty's side for a moment. Damon looked distressed. Whatever Stefan said was not good news.

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