the sludge villain

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It was the last class of the day, midoriya was in his seat at his desk writing something on a sheet of paper. While the teacher gave a lecture of their futures.

Teacher: so, as third year students it's time to start thinking seriously about your futures. I could pass out these career tests but, why bother?

The teacher then throws the paper and chuckles.

Teacher: I know you all want to go to the hero course.

All the students started to cheer and use their quirks, besides midoriya who just stayed focused on his paper and raised his hand slightly. The teacher then asked everyone to stop using their quirks in class because it was prohibited for school.  Everyone then got silent when they heard the voice of katsuki bakugou.

Bakugou: hey, teach. Don't lump me in with this bunch of losers, I'm the real deal but these guys will be lucky to end up as sidekicks to some twisted D-lister.

Students: you think you're better then us katsuki??!?!!?

Bakugou: c'mon I'll take you all on.

The teacher looked at some papers, and stated that his results were impressive.

Teacher: maybe you will get into U.A.

The other students besides midoriya started to murmer about Bakugou trying out for U.A high. Bakugou then jumped on the top of his desk.

Bakugou: that's why it's the only place  worthy of me. I aced all the mock tests, I'm the only one here that has a chance of getting in, I'll end up more popular than All Might himself! And be the richest of all time, everyone around the world will know my name! And it all starts with U.A hig-

Teacher: oh yeah, midoriya don't you want to go to U.A too?

Midoriya: yes sir.

Everyone turned around at midoriya then bursted out laughing. But midoriya didn't care, because they didn't know he had spider powers. He just stayed focused on his work, until his spider sense went off.

Midoriya thinking: Aw come on, my spider sense is going off at school. That could only mean one thing. And the academy award for best vigilante trying desperately to hold on to his secret identity goes to....

Bakugou rushed at him blowing up his desk. Causing midoriya to fall backwards.

Bakugou: listen up Deku! You're even worse than the rest of these damn rejects! You really think they would let someone like you in when they could have me?!?

Shockingly towards everyone midoriya ignored him and payed acknowledged the fact that his desk was destroyed.

Midoriya: aw man, my desk....

Bakugou: Are you ignoring me Deku?!?!?

Midoriya: Bakugou. I'm not trying to compete against you. So cut with the whole " I'm better than everyone else" crap! Or is your ego so bad that you don't even see that? You egoistic stupid angry pomeranian!

Everybody then stared in surprise of what the one kid they all thought was quirkless had just said to the most strongest kid in school. Bakugou then engaged for combat and blasted himself at midoriya.


Midoriya then triple back flipped over bakugou dodging his attack. Everyone stood in shock and awe at midoriya bakugou then crashed into the wall. As soon as he got back up they were about to fight untill....


deku was aggravated at that point. But looked down on the ground in disappointment.

(Later in the city)

There was a distressed scream from a woman in a force field. There was a villain made out of some kind of sludge. He was running with money inside of his body. While the situation was going on a skeleton man came out of a store then sees the villain.

Bystander: where are the heroes?

Bystander: ever wonder where these crazy people with quirks keep popping up? There's no stopping them.

The skeleton man became a lot more muscular And steps out of the shadow.

???: Yes, there is. You know why?

The sludge villan looked back to see the number one pro hero All might.

All Might: I Am Here!

( 30 minutes later with midoriya)

30 minutes after midoriya and bakugou got released from detention they were on there way, or at least midoriya was.

Bakugou: I don't know what you think you're doing deku but, we're not done.

Midoriya: Bakugou not now.

Midoriya was about to leave but bakugou pulled him back

Bakugou: what do you think you're doing deku?! Running back to mommy? Cause you'll never be a hero? Yeah, I thought so.

Bakugou was about to walk away until he stopped.

Bakugou: ya know if you really want to be a hero that badly, there might be another way. Just pray you'll be born with a quirk in you're next life, and take a swan dive off the roof of the building. You might even get to see daddy again.

Midoriya was then angered and rushed to  bakugou and punched him in the face sending him flying. then started running. But that didnt stop bakugou because, he then started chasing after midoriya. But when he reached the last place midoriya ran he saw that he wasn't there.

Bakugou: DAMN IT!!!

Bakugou thinks: what the hell was that strength? If he had a quirk he would have gotten it when we were kids! Somethings going on!!!

It was then the sludge villain had appeared behind bakugou. Bakugou turned back to see the villain mad out of sludge.

Sludge villain: I like a skin suit with some fire.

To be continued....

( AN. This chapter was a bit longer. So I hope you enjoyed it.),

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