Hero Names

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Sports festival events for the readers//
- Monoma is still how he is to class 1-A, and he's insulting midoriya
- All might offered midoriya One for all and told midoriya the backstory.
-midoriya won the sports festival
- upgraded his suit
- midoriya rejected the offer and told all might the truth of his spider powers.
- And pretty much everything else that happened during the festival is normal.

( Hope you enjoy)

2 days after the sports festival, it was a rainy day. Midoriya was riding a train to U.A he was scrolling through his phone until he heard a man's voice behind him.

Train rider: Are you Izuku Midoriya from class 1-A?

Midoriya: Yes sir.

Train rider: Great job winning the sports festival.

Midoriya: oh thanks.

The other train riders then praised midoriya for winning the sports festival. By the time he got to U.A he ran into iida. They ran to the lockers  to put their rain stuff away, midoriya was concerned for iida because the hero killer had attacked his brother. Iida acted like he was fine, but midoriya could see that he was furious.

Midoriya thinks: Iida. I get that you might want revenge I was like that when I found out my father was the first spider. He died trying to protect innocent lives, But I cant let my anger and hatred for the man who's responsible get the better of me. I have to remember what my dad always told me...

Midoriya then walked to class he had still been thinking about if iida will be okay. But his thoughts were interrupted by uraraka jump scaring him from behind.

Uraraka: hi Izuku...

Midoriya: AAH, oh hey ochako.

Uraraka: sorry didnt mean to scare you.

Midoriya: You didnt.

Uraraka: so, how has your day been treating you?

Midoriya: Pretty good. You?

Uraraka: great.

They talked on their way to class. When they got to the door uraraka kissed midoriya's cheek then went to her desk. Midoriya went to his desk and got started on a new design for his Spider Suit. 12 minutes later mr. Awizawa came in with a scar by his eye.

Awizawa: good morning class.

Everyone: Good morning sir.

Tsu: You've got your bandages off sir.

Awizawa: Yes. Midoriya congratulations on winning the sports festival. Keeping your quirk secret until the fight was clever. But dont expect that it will always work, Okay?

Midoriya: yes sir.

Awizawa: Good. Now today's discussion will be your codenames. And today class you'll be picking your hero names.
What you pick is only temporary or deciding on if you wanna keep what you're using is up to you. Today midnight will be judging on what you pick.

Midnight: that's right class. Today you'll be writing your names on these dry erase boards and will share what you pick infront of the class.

Jirou: what?

Kaminari: we have to share?

Sero: cant be that bad guys.

Everyone then took a white board and started writing their hero names. Then Aomoma came up to the class and held his board up.

Aomoma: My name is I can not stop twinkling. Cant deny my sparkle.

Everyone else: Come On.

Midnight: it'll be better this way. Take out the I and shorten the "can not" to "cant".

Aoaoma: its stunning. Madamoiselle.

Everyone else: She likes it?!

Sato: oh, So you're not really French are you?! That's just an act!

Ashido: Ok let me go next my codename: Alien queen.

Midnight: Hold on, like that monster with the acidic blood? I dont think so!

Ashido: Dang it...

Everyone: that one wasnt ok?!

Midoriya, kirishima, sero thinks: Since the first two were so weird I feel like i have to come up with something really clever now...

Tsu: I think I've got one.

Midnight: Come on up.

Tsu: I've had this nickname since grade school. The rain season hero I'm Froppy.

Midnight seemed to like that one. And everyone began to chant her name than everyone came up to share their names.

Kirishima: Red riot

Jirou: Earphone Jack

Kaminari: Chargebolt

Sero: Cellophane

Ojiro: Tailman

Sato: Sugarman

Tokoyami: Tsukoyomi

Koda: Anima

Hagakure: invisible girl

Shoji: tentacole

Yaoyorozu: Creati

Todoroki: Shoto

Ahido: Pinky


midoriya thinks: Of course he'd try to go for something like that...

Midnight: I'm gonna say that's too violent.

Bakugou then starts yelling that she didnt like his name then uraraka went up to the front of the class and held her white board up.

Uraraka: this is the name I thought up of. Uravity.

Midnight: I just love it.

Everyone began to clap, midoriya smiled for uraraka. Thinking that she had a cool name.

Midnight: the only people left are midoriya and iida. Oh and bakugou having to rethink his.

Iida was about to write ingenium but he stopped and just went with " Tenya". Midnight then called up midoriya and he went up.

Midoriya thinks: This is for you dad...

Midoriya holds up his white board so everyone can see what he chose. And they were all surprised by the name he went with but they all knew why he picked it.

[Flash back for the readers]

Midoriya: My dad Was the hero Spider-man

Everyone but Uraraka and bakugou: WHAT?!

( present time)

Midnight: Oh, you're paying a entourage for him? But he was ...

Midoriya: Yes, my father he was more than just a person who everyone thought was a menace. He was a symbol. A symbol of hope, and I want to follow his footsteps.

Midoriya: So I will take on his name

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Midoriya: So I will take on his name. And give people in danger hope As Your friendly neighborhood Spider-man.

To be continued...

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