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"Private Ethan Wilks?" A soldier with Staff Sergeant insignia asks looking over a group of young soldiers.

"Sir." One of them says stepping forward.

The Staff Sergeant glances over the boy to gauge what kind of soldier he will likely make.

Strong body. Decent face with green eyes and unruly brown hair.  Probably from Drill Sergeant Brown's group. They tend to be less formal than other units.

From the way he carries himself it's obvious he's well trained. But his eyes.

"This kid has killed before." The Staff Sergeant thinks to himself.

"Come with me Private. I'll take you to your squad." The Staff Sergeant said beckoning Ethan to follow him.

"Drill Sergeant Brown I presume?" He asks Ethan as they walk across the base.

"Yes sir. How'd you know sir?" Ethan replies.

"Your head's not shaved." The Drill Sergeant explains.

A few minutes later they reach a barracks building.

"This is your new home for as long as you're stationed on this base. The Drill Sergeant says before walking away and leaving Ethan by himself.

Taking a deep breath Ethan opens the door and steps into the building.

"All I'm saying is that it's possible to fire it at a faster rate and with less recoil if you decrease the size of the bullet." A scrawny guy with glasses says.

"And what would you call this weapon? A mini rifle?" A large muscular man say while drying off his hair.

"Actually I was thinking of calling it a machinegun." The spectacled guy says sounding a little shy.

"Look Jules I understand you think that firearms will be the future of warfare, but you gotta leave that stuff to the pros. You're just a soldier, leave the weapons manufacturing to the weapons manufacturers. And who knows, maybe when you retire you can throw your hat into that ring." The muscle man says patting his friend in the shoulder.

"Thanks Keegan." Jules replies.

"Touching." Ethan remarks once he realises they probably won't notice him.

"Oh. You must be the newbie. I'm  Corporal Keegan Miller and this is Specialist Jules Abrams." Keegan says extending his hand to Ethan.

"Private Ethan Wilks sir." Ethan replies taking his hand.

"Please, don't be so formal. Call me Keegan. Everyone calls Jules Specs. The other members will tell you what to call them." Keegan says, raising his hands in a defensive posture.

"Your bunk is the one at the back. Your gear should be on the bed." Keegan explains jabbing his thumb behind him.

With a nod of thanks Ethan steps past him. On his way he walks by six other bunks.

When he reaches his own bunk he spots all his gear lying there. Sure enough, even the smaller bags are there.

"Hey guys." He hears a woman's voice from the door.

"So, you're our scout?" The woman asks approaching him.

"Yes ma'am. I'm Private Ethan Wilks." Ethan greets her with a formal solute.

"Drop the ma'am bullshit will ya. You can call me Grease. It's what everyone else calls me." She sighs.

"Ok." Ethan replies with a timid nod.

He's never seen a woman like her in his life. Her black hair was tied up in a ponytail and she was covered in oil and grease. Combined with her military pants and tank top she looks like someone who belongs in a mechanized unit instead of an infantry unit like their's.

"Uhm, if you don't mind me saying, but you seem a little out of place in the infantry." Ethan comments.

"Is that so? Well if you cause enough trouble the higher-ups tend to sign transfer papers rather quickly if you cause enough trouble." She replies, with a mischievous chuckle.

"You should get back to unpacking. Ace doesn't like it when we have stuff lying around." She says turning to leave.

"Ace?" Ethan asks raising an eyebrow.

"It's what we call our Sergeant. Most people say Sarge but since he's always walking around wearing a pair of aviators we call him Ace." She replies.

About an hour later after Ethan is finished unpacking he meets the rest of the team.

"This here is Alice. We call her that because we once saw her shoot a full deck of cards dead centre from over a kilometre away." A tall strong man wearing aviators says pointing at a short girl with short grey hair and en emotionless face. She also has large blue eyes so she kind of reminds him of a doll.

Ethan is unsure wether he's exaggerating or being truthful. But the main thing he's confused about is the situation he's in. Across from him is five of the member of his squad. And between him and them is Ace. Why do they have to be so formal about this? He thought this was a very casual and informal squad.

"And this is Gray. We call him that because that's his name. Well squad? Greet the rookie!" Ace says, then all of a sudden the entire squads salutes Ethan.

"Uhm, I'm Ethan. It's an honour to join this squad." He replies saluting them back.

"In this squad we treat each other as family. The only one in this squad who you should consider your superior is me. Everyone else is equal." Ace says after they're done saluting.

"Sir." Ethan replies with a nod.

This was perfect. Being in a no name squad with people who clearly care more about their teammates than the mission and as a result probably don't stand out in battle is exactly what Ethan wanted.

And not just him. Every member in his squad wanted a place to lay low, or a group to call family. Wether it be the leader Ace, the medic Jules or the support Keegan. Even the sniper Alice, the engineer Grease and the utility Gray don't want to be in a well known squad. And the scout Ethan is more than happy with that.

So long as he draws as little attention as possible, he's happy.

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