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"You good?" Ethan asks from his perch on one of the hills overlooking the town below.

"Yes." Alice replies, bathed in the moonlight. Ethan can't help but notice that she looks even more like a doll now.

"How about asking if we're good. You're just sitting there while we clean up the bodies." Jules complains before, with Ace's help, he throws another enemy body onto their growing pile of enemy bodies.

"I don't have time to clean up." Ethan responds, standing up and turning to the trail that lead them to this small basecamp.

"Good luck." Keegan says, single-handedly throwing another body on the pile.

And then, like a ghost, Ethan is gone.

"How does he even do that?" Jules asks while looking at the enemy corpses that lie scattered around the camp.

"Simple. The man's a ghost." Gray comments from the his position overlooking the trail.

Without moving her head, Alice looks in the direction of the trail. Her face doesn't show anything but her eyes betray her curiosity.

Within about three or four minutes, Ethan has reached the edge of town.

He had specifically chosen this spot because of how lazy the guards were when patrolling this corner of town.

With ease he slips underneath the rusted fence and into the dark alleys.

Using some aerial photos he'd been provided before they left camp, he manages to find his target: Three anti-tank guns.

He's worried that this is where they'll catch him. But to his surprise the guards in this spot are all asleep, with one of them still clutching onto a an empty bottle of alcohol.

Ethan is so pleased at how easy the mission just got that he almost whistles a tune while planting the explosives.

He's about to sneak to their team's designated spot when one of the buildings close to him is destroyed in an explosion of shrapnel and debris.

It catches Ethan of guard so that the shockwave from the explosion almost knocks him over. Luckily he's able to steady himself.

Then he hears it. The all to recognisable sound of tanks roaring his way. The attack was launched way too early!

"Shit!" He exclaims jumping behind a wall just as the explosives he had planted on the anti tank guns go off.

"I knew giving the Colonel those detonators was a bad idea." He says to himself, realising that had he been to slow in planting them that they would have gone off in his pouch!

As if to make things worse he suddenly hears the sound of anti tank cannons firing. The first cannon misses but the second destroys it's target. That could only mean that one of the scouts wasn't able to plant his bombs in time.

"I need to go find my squad." Ethan thinks as he starts running in the direction he estimates they should be at this moment.

But a familiar voice stops him.

"Well well well. Looks like she was spot on. Again." Someone says from behind him.

As Ethan slowly turns towards the person, the strangers cackling fills the air, becoming even louder than the sounds of combat and the destruction caused by the tanks.

"Clint." Ethan says, his voice filled with hatred.

"Awwww. It doesn't sound like you missed me one bit. Well I definitely missed you." Clint says, his face twisted into an evil grin.

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