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"Artemis. That's a beautiful name." Ethan comments.

At the moment him and Alice is sitting around the fire while the others had gone to bed.

Eve stares wistfully into the blaze as it flickers, causes the shadows to dance wildly about them.

"Can I call you Artemis or should I stick to Alice?" Ethan asks.

"I'd be happy if you'd call me Artemis." She replies, flashing a smile.

"During my short time with the military I found my birth certificate." Ethan says after some silence.

Artemis looks at him in silence.

"I still don't remember ever hearing it but at least now I know what my real name is." He says.

"My real name is Aiden." He says, smiling at you.

"Pleased to meet you Aiden. I'm Artemis." Artemis says with a radiating smile.

"Mind if I join you?" Gwen asks.

"Not at all." Aiden replies.

Gwen the moves over to Ethan and sits down next to him.

When Artemis sees this she jumps up and sits on Aiden's other side.

"If we don't make it out of this alive, I just wanna say I'm glad I met you two." Aiden suddenly says.

The two girls stare at his face in confusion.

"You're afraid that you're going to die fighting her." Gwen says matter of factly.

Aiden turns to her, worry in his eyes.

"I am."

"Don't be. Because we're going to be there to pull you out alive." Gwen replies, taking his hand.

"We won't let you die." Artemis says, taking his other hand.

"Thanks ladies." Aiden says, thanking them.

"Aiden. There's something I wanna do before we go out there." Gwen says, looking away shyly.

Aiden looks at her with a puzzled expression.

"What is it?" He asks.

"We'll tell you when we get their." Artemis replies, standing up.

Gwen and Artemis each take one of his hands and together they lead him to their room for the night.

Three days later Ceir is standing on the roof of her fortress looking up at the night sky.

A night sky Illuminated by fire and explosions. She can hear the clashing of swords mixes with the death cries of men.

Her instincts tell her that the winds of fate are blowing against her.

Despite her instincts screaming at her to run and hide for the rest of her life, she keeps standing there.

Then she starts to talk to herself.

"As long as I've been alive I've only ever dreamt of one thing. I've dreamt of being a conqueror. Of course, my father and his brothers raping me would only pour fuel on the fire. That's why I was happy to go to that camp. After biting their throats of first that is. But you don't care about my tragic backstory do you? Aiden. Or is it Ethan now."

Behind her stands a lone swordsman.

"You're right. I don't care. And it's Ethan. Only my friends can call me Aiden." The swordsman replies.

"Right. Makes sense. I mean, how can we still be friends after I killed and ate your best friend and brother." Ceir says.

"Besides, I'm a psychotic bitch. I enjoy being the villain. I dream about being the evil dark lord who ruins the hero's life."

Aiden doesn't say a word as he merely stares at her.

"But you. You're driven by obsession. A broken weapon who can't stop killing. So answer me this 711. Who's more mentally unstable? A psycho like me? Or you? A boy who can't stop hunting, despite having multiple opportunities to live a life of peace, quiet and happiness? Many opportunities that he threw away because he couldn't give up his desire to kill?" Ceir asks Aiden.

"Neither. We're both bat shit crazy." Aiden replies.

"That does make sense. This conversation is boring now so let's just kill each other." Ceir says as both she and Aiden move in for the kill.

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