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Three days later and our group is sitting around a different camp site. A camp site that can be found in a small, abandoned military camp.

"So, what do we have?" Ace asks.

"Well, both sides have agreed to a temporary cease fire but only because of a prior investigation our side's been doing." Gwen replies.

"That's good. Any possibility of reinforcements?" Keegan asks.

"Some. Our higher ups called Cier in for questioning. So when she chose to run instead they gave us a small army to raid her place with." Gwen responds.

"Same on our end. Although they made it clear that if this goes south both our unit and the unit's who help us will be charged with treason. Most likely our unit will even receive the death penalty." Keegan adds.

"So if this goes bad we eat shit but if this goes good they get the glory?" Jules asks with a cynical laugh.

"This isn't about the glory Jules. This is about ending a war." Keegan snaps at him.

"I know. I just want a better understanding of the situation we're in." Jules explains.

"I'll tell ya what situation we're in. We're on a ledge and depending on which way the wind blows, we will either be heroes or fucked." Grease comments.

"So, how are we going to do this?" Gray asks, turning to Ace.

"With the help of those maps our new friends here provided," he points at Gwen and Veera, "we can plan our attack on her house. Of course straight up attacking it would be stupid since we are a miniscule threat in comparison to her supposed forces. But if we're smart, we can keep 'em busy long enough for a handful of guys to get the Prez out of there." Ace explains.

"Makes sense. But, who will we send in?" Veera asks.

"That's easy. Each of us is suited for different roles during combat. So here's how our team is gonna proceed." Ace says.

"Alice will be positioned behind our infill squad to provide long range support. In the meantime Jules, Grease and Keegan will take a small squad each and sabotage as many enemy defences as possible. While that's happening Me, Ethan, Gwen, Gray and Veera will rescue the Prez. And we'll do all this while our main force keep the enemy preoccupied with a frontal assault." Ace explains the plan.

"Now, each of you should get your affairs in order. We leave at dawn to rendezvous with our guys. Then we immediately start this shindig." Ace says, standing up.

"Where ya heading boss?" Jules asks.

"I'm gonna go call my wife. By baby daughter's birthday is tomorrow." Ace replies.

"Any of you have someone you wanna call?" Keegan asks the group.

"Nope. I'm an orphan so the army's the only thing I've ever known outside of the tiny orphanage I group up in." Jules responds.

"How many were with you at the orphanage?" Keegan asks him.

"Three. Four if you include the pastor who took care of us. But, he died a year after all four of us enlisted." Jules says. His voice becomes heavy and somber.

"What happened to the other three?" Veera asks.

"Died. Geoffrey got run over by a tank. Sam dropped her glasses and got domed by a sniper. And Bundy. Bundy committed suicide after his first battle ended in bloody defeat." Jules responds.

"What about all of you? Aside from you Ethan. You've already told us your whole backstory." Jules asks.

Silence. Then.

"I grew up a rich boy. Wealthy parents and the best university money could buy. Then the war happened. All my frat buddies were enlisting so I did too. Half of them I lost contact with. The other half are dead. Now, I'm just trying to stay away from home. Truth is I don't want to face their mothers, because I know they'll ask me why I wasn't their to watch over their sons." Keegan explains.

More silence.

"I guess it's my turn. My family runs a big weapons manufacturing company." Gray says pulling out his two six shooters.

"But, a year before the war I was told I'd die from cancer before I turned forty. So here I am, making my life useful before I kick the bucket." Gray says before putting away his guns.

"What about you?" He asks Grease.

She sighs.

"My pa used to run a mechanic shop. He was a wonderful man. A God fearing pacifist. Then they strung him up for refusing to enlist." She says before staying quiet for a few minutes.

"After I shot every son of a bitch who took part in that godless murder I was given an choice. Fight in the war, or get put on death row. I figured since I'd already taken part in one blood bath, what would be the difference if I took part in another one. So that's how I got here." She says.

"And how 'bout you? You got a past?" Gray asks, turning to Veera.

"Not much of one. I come from a military family. That's about all there is to it." She says with a shrug.

"You two feel like sharing?" He ask Gwen and Alice.

"I'm nothing special either. I thought that the war was the fastest way to a peaceful, lazy retirement." Gwen says with an embarrassed chuckle.

There is silence as everyone waits for Alice to speak.

"I. I was part of a secret experiment. And I guess it's about time that I told someone about it. But, I don't...." She says.

"Hey." Ethan whispers, touching her shoulder.

"Don't force yourself. We're here for you no matter what." He comforts her.

"Thank you." She says with an adorable smile.

"But I want to tell you. Especially since you told us about yourself. So, I'll start with the circumstances around my creation." She says.

Then, after taking a deep breath she starts her story.

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