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"Okay kiddies. By now you've all probably realised that you can't remember your names anymore. All of you are probably confused by this. Most of you are probably scared shitless right now." The man wearing massive aviators says to the crowd of children.

"But don't worry. We'll be giving you new names. Why don't you go and pull that white strip off of the uniforms we gave you when you landed." He orders.

The children do so, revealing a number underneath.

"That will be your new name. Don't forget it." The man says.

The boy sees that his number is 711. The strange boy next to him has the number 736 while the wolf girl has the number 616.

"We only have one rule here. Obey. Obey every command we give you. You are free to try and escape. Although the consequences of doing so are yours alone. You may try to kill and harm whomever you wish. Although the consequences of doing so are yours alone. On the hill behind you are your bunks. Enjoy a good night's sleep after a hot dinner. We'll see each other again tomorrow." The man says turning his back on them.

That night three children tried to escape. There bodies were left laying in the mud.

The children spent the next five years in that camp learning to kill. They were also taught to use their nanobots, or bugs as they were called. This was due to them looking like bugs.

It was here 711 met 986. 986 was a true psycho. He lived for killing. In fact, not a month would go by that he wouldn't end up killing at least one of them. Needless to say him and 711 didn't get along.

711 had some problems himself though. It was discovered that due to mental instability he couldn't produce weapons using the bugs. Because of this he was branded as a failure and even though they didn't remove him from the program, they did treat him significantly worse than the others. Even though his control with the bugs inside his body was among the highest in his class.

And then, during the fifth year, 1023 arrived.

711 recognised him immediately. But, the instructors warned him that the boy didn't recognise him.

So 711 worked to build up a friendship with the boy. It didn't go well at first. 1023 didn't want anything to do with the others in the program, even among those his own age. But, with enough time and effort, the friendship did start. Before long they were inseparable. That was until the naming ceremony.

"Today, one of you who's been in this program for the last eight years get to remember your name. After this you will be sent into the field as an active agent. But the price of victory is high. On the table before you are weapons of all categories. Only one may survive." The head instructor says.

Without hesitation the children run forward and grab weapons. 711 grabs a katana. He barely has it when someone tries to impale him with a spear.

711 manages to break the spear and behead the attacker just as he starts to make a nano weapon.

711 spots 986 watching him from the crowd of children who'd be graduating next year.

One by one he killed people he had called friend less than an hour prior. Some he beheaded while others he gutted. All while looking into their pleading eyes.

Before long only three remain. 711, 616 and 736.

711 had known this would happen. It had been happening every year for the eight years he'd been here.

For that reason he had distanced himself from his friends as much as possible. Predictably this did not work.

"We don't need to do this. We're strong enough to leave." 616 says as the three of them stand off.

"Yeah your right." 736 agrees, putting away his weapon.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt you. We'll be together forever." 616 says to 711 when he doesn't put away his own weapon.

For a moment 711 lowers his sword.

"You can be a part of me forever." She says, just as two scorpion like tails appear from her back and fly towards 711 and 736.

711 expects to be hit by it, but to his surprise the blow never comes. Because standing between him and 616 is 1023.

"Ethan!" 711 shouts as her tails lift them into the air.

"Feed me." 616 says.

The next the moment both 736 and Ethan's mouths open wide in an expression of agony. Tears stream from their eyes as they scream in silent pain.

And then. *Thud*

She drops both their lifeless husks into the dirt below.

"They were a tasty appetizer. Now for the main course. I can't wait for the man I love to become one with me!" 616 yells out, sending her tails towards 711 at high speeds.

"For my Wilks family. For 736! And for my brother! I will put you down!" 711 gives a tortured cry.

"Huh?" 616 asks when 711 suddenly disappears.

The next moment he's behind her swinging his sword.

But it's worthless as he's thrown backwards by one of her tails.

"The the integration should be done by now." 616 comments as her hands turn into massive claws and the tips of her tails become double edged blades.

Since she's distracted she doesn't notice 711's next attack. When she does spot him however, it's almost too late. In a desperate attempt to defend himself she swipes on of her clawed hands at him, splitting open his chest.

"Fuck." He says as he flies against a boulder.

"Check if he's alive." One of the instructors say.

"If he's not?" Another instructor asks.

"Then we finish him. We have no need for a flawed product." The previous instructor responds.

"You have done well 616. From now on you will be called Cier Ysenwolf." Are the last words 711 hears before losing consciousness.

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