Ch.36| reflecting

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"I'll see you soon~"


Akari re-entered the main room, Hisoka hadn't followed her back. Her group was waiting for her in the center and she apologized for keeping them.

Chrollo waved her off and the seven of them set off.

As they exited their base, Paku leaned over next to Akari. "You were with Hisoka?" Akari raised a brow yet nodded. "Your neck hun." She whispered. Akari's eyes widened as she shifted her hair to flow over her shoulder. "Better?" She asked quietly and Paku nodded. "You got it." 

Akari sighed in relief as the group walked, rain pouring down on them

Chrollo in the front, Akari and Paku to his right, Nobunaga and Kortopi to his left and Machi and Shizuku behind. 

"Isn't Hotel Beitacle one of the places where the Nostrade Family is staying?" Nobu asked and Machi answered him. "Yes but when Shal checked the website they'd already checked out. "They probably checked into that hotel under a different name." Chrollo concluded.


Their group gathered inside a train that would take them to the hotel. Akari wondered what Hisoka was doing at the moment but quickly shook the thought off.

'you're on a mission right now. it's important and you don't need distractions.'

Sighing quietly her eyes scanned around the train car, eyeing the passengers. No one really stood out to her...yet she had the feeling there were eyes following the group. Most of the people were minding there own buisness while other stole glances at the seven. 

Akari just closed her eyes and waited to finally arrive.

Surprisingly it was quite a quick ride and soon they were stepping out of the train along with the others. 

Chrollo, Paku, Akari, Shiz, Machi, Nobu and Kortopi all walked in silence as they walked down street after street. "Akari." Paku whispered. Akari immediately touched her neck and when she brought it back, blood stained the tips of her fingers. "Thanks." She whispered back as they continued to walk.


"They're on the move." Kortopi announced, stopping in his tracks. "Descending slowly." 'the eyes-' "An elevator, are they going out?" Chrollo asked. "We should hurry, boss." Nobu commented and Chrollo turned to face the rest of the group.

"We'll apprehend him as a group. Stay close enough to provide assistance." Akari nodded and chewed on her lip. "Pakunoda. Once we capture him, get the information about Uvo." Paku's face remained neutral. "Got it."

"After that, Nobunaga, he's all yours." 

'well ok' Akari twirled a strand of hair over she shoulder, eye twitching slightly. 


The troupe immediately started heading to the hotel, all of them running at a constant speed. 'good that i can run well' She huffed and trailed behind her boss, eyes scanning in front and part of the sides around them. 

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