05. A Dream To Come True

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05. A Dream To Come True

"How are you feeling now?" Jane asked handing me a glass of water while I sat on the porch.

"Better thanks." I said smiling.

"Damien's right you know, all we want is to be your friends." Jane said sitting beside me.

"I know I just..." I trailed off not really knowing how to explain it to her.

"You don't want to loose anyone else that you care about?" she asked.

"Yeah, something like that." I stood up and stretched.

"Want to go for a run?" I asked stepping off the porch.

"Sure!" she said excitedly following me.

"Ready...set...GO!" I yelled and took off shifting into my beautiful white wolf. I heard Jane fast on my tail and picked up my pace.


I don't know exactly how long we'd been running for but I lost Jane about ten minutes ago, at first I thought she was just getting tired and needed a little rest, but after she didn't catch up to me I knew something was wrong. I turned around and started looking for her but couldn't even catch the slightest scent of her.
Jane? Were are you? I tried mind linking her.

Jane!? Still no answer. I was about to head back to the pack house and see if she went home when I heard her voice.

"Evelyn..." The smell of blood caught my nose and I whipped my head around and started running in the direction it came from. I mind linked . the rest of the pack and they were already on their way when I entered the small clearing.

"Oh my god, Jane." I said shifting back into my human form and crouching down beside her. Her eyes were shut and her body was lifeless, but I could tell she was still alive. Another scent entered the clearing and I looked to the edge of the tree line. I saw three figures walking closer to us and knew that they were vampires. They weren't from any of the major clans, I would have been able to smell it. No, they were from a smaller one, they probably don't even know who I am otherwise they wouldn't be messing with me.

"What clan are you from!?" I yelled in a strong voice, showing no anger and no emotions.

"Theirs really no point in telling you, you'll be dead in a few minutes anyway." The middle one said smiling like a Cheshire cat showing his fangs.

"I think you're mistaken, for it is you who will be dead in a few minutes if you don't leave right now." I said walking closer to them.

"Are you serious?" the one to his left asked chuckling.

"Theirs one of you and three of us...how exactly do you expect to win this fight?" the other said smirking.

"Well for one my pack is already on its way here and they should be here within the next minute or so." I said taking another step towards them while they did the same. The one on the right attacked first and I threw him a good twenty feet away from us. I'm pretty sure he broke something when he landed.

I hope it was his neck.

"Stop before you start a war that you can't win!" I said forcefully.

"You underestimate us girl!" the middle one said looking behind him. That was the first time I noticed the other ones standing their. Some were hiding in trees and others behind bushes, but alk of them were coming out now.

"We want this land and we will take it!" he yelled again. Their had to be atleast twenty of them.

Evelyn were almost their! How is she?
Jane is alive but she won't make it much longer. When you get her just take her. Don't stay.
What do you mean? Who did it?
Vampires...and theirs alot of them.
Stall them we'll be their soon.
No, don't get involved.

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