06. Calling the Clan

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06. Calling the Clan

"I have to go." I said turning to walk away.

"Whose the father Evelyn?" my grandpa asked grabbing my shoulder.

"It doesn't matter anymore." I said trying to walk away.

"Like hell it doesn't matter!" Damien growled, I looked at him with pleading eyes begging him not to ask about it any more, but of course he did.

"I mean hell! I've been with tons of women and I never got any of them pregnant! How many times did you go around screwing people!?" he yelled straight at me.

"JUST SHUT UP!!! IT DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE HE FUCKING DIED OKAY!?" I screamed and ran up stairs. I heard faint cussing from my room as I grabbed my phone. I quickly dialed Haileys number and waited for her to answer.

"DAMN IT!" I yelled after the third time trying to call her. I threw my phone onto my bed and opened my balcony window. A burst of air hit me as I walked out and leaned against the ledge. I breathed it in trying to calm my nerves while looking up at the clear sky.

"We're having a baby Xander. Just like we always talked about." I said hoping that somehow my words would reach him.

"Evelyn..." I looked around in all directions searching for a voice that I knew didn't exist, at least not anymore that is.

"I love you Xander." I said letting tears fall. They burned my face as the wind whipped across it but I let them all come pouring out anyway.

~You can count on me, like one two three and I'll be their, 'cuz that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yea.~

I ran back into the room at the sound of Bruno Mars blaring from my phone speakers. I quickly picked it up and started struggling to get it open.

"Hey Evi-" I cut Hailey off not being able to hold it in any longer.

"I'M PREGNANT!!!" I said hurriedly, the line was silent for a second before I heard heavy breathing.

"Fucking Christ Evelyn, who!?" she asked sounding pissed.

"Xander, before he died." I said letting a wave of sadness wash over me.

"Jesus Evelyn what are you gonna do?" she asked sighing, I can practically see her shoving her hand that through her hair and sitting on her bed, she does that a lot.

"I need the clan to come here." I said hesitantly.

"Well it's not like they can say no, I mean you are the leader now." she said scoffing at my stupidity.

"The thing is that I need them here by 10:00a.m. tomorrow." I said knowing how impossible it sounded.

"Evelyn what's going on?" she asked sounding worried.

"I have to go but as long as everyone comes tomorrow nothing will happen and you won't have to plan my funeral." I said closing my phone and running to the bathroom to throw up.

At least now I know why I've been so sick lately right?

A knock on my door breaks me from my thoughts, but I don't need to open it to know who it is.

"What do you want Damien?" I sighed not wanting to talk to anyone, him least of all.

"I'm sorry." he paused, "About what I said, and about what happened." he leaned his head on the door. "Did you love him?" He asked catching me off guard.

"With all my heart." I said letting the tears fall from my eyes.

After Damien left I went back to my window. I let my eyes slowly travel along the perimeter boarders before closing the window and going to sleep.

I awoke the next morning to loud screams and growls. My eyes shot open and I ran down stairs as fast as I could throwing open the front door to see the clan and Damien's pack about to fight.

"WAIT!" I yelled out catching everyone's attention.

"Evelyn!" Hailey pushed past a few werewolves trying to get to me but was thrown back by Damien as she approached me. I knew it was just the mate bond, him wanting to protect me from vampires and all. And it's not exactly like I told him about this, I basically just invited an entire clan of his worst enemies onto his property right after rejecting him.

"It's okay Xander." I said in a calming voice as I hurried over to Hailey who looked as though she was about ready to tare him apart. "Just go shift back with the others and I'll explain everything to you guys when we get back in." he growled at my demand but went nonetheless.

"So what's going on?" I looked at Hailey and smiled, it's been too long.

"I'll tell you with the others." I said leading them all into the house.

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