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Chapter 3:

A/N: though I do dance, this whole talk about "a second" is for the story. There are some people who say stuff about "life-long dance partners" because that person knows how to move with you (which is where this concept came from), but usually that comes from at least SOMEWHAT learning each other's moves.


Ever since we've been closer than we were. I wouldn't use the word 'friend' because that seems too overbearing, but the word acquaintance seems very...forced. We were two dancers who cracked a couple jokes around each other, but still mostly stuck to dancing.

Aia, did however, began to smile. Not everyday, not every week, but more. Her face wasn't tightened and straight and serious anymore either. Carefully--she was slowly crawling out of her dark hole carefully. Each moment she smiled was as precious as a child--and I felt the overwhelming need to console her. My heart--She was working her way into my heart.

What made it even more dangerous, were the rumors of her being my second.

A second is the sole person who you are designed to dance with. Similar to a soulmate, your second isn't chosen or selected for you. The very day you are born your second is already set in stone. No matter where they are, you will meet them at least once in your lifetime.

At the studio, there were many, many people gossiping. Just a few days prior, Micah and Paul revealed that they were each other's second, and rumors of others being a true match ignited. Honestly, I thought any pairing besides Micah and Paul were just that--rumors. But, there really isn't a way of telling when a pair truly are seconds. Some people have birthmarks of the same shape, some have scars in the same place, while others claim to: just feel the bond.

It's weird.

In one particular instance, I was on my way out of the studio with my dance bag carelessly slung over my shoulder, when two girls jumped out in front of me. One girl was short and blonde, while the other had curly red hair cropped to her shoulders. Giddy and giggling, the red head whispered something that the other echoed.

"She really thinks you and Alaia are seconds!!"

The red whispered again.

"She hopes you two can work!! Because you're so good togeth--"

I cut her off, "Thank you, really I appreciate it. But I'm about to be late to something..."

The urge- the feeling of a thousand prickly spider legs crawling up my spine. My eyes frantically darted towards the door. I was so close, maybe just ten feet. As soft as I could manage, I pushed past the girls and almost ran toward the door.

"Wait wait!!" The red one yelps, gently wrapping her fingers around my bicep.

She curls herself at my side, "let me prove she isn't."

My tongue swipes over my bottom lip as my body turns to take her in. She stood at about 5'5, with a teeny shirt helping her A cup, and revealing her midsection up to her belly button. I look her over again, from the bun containing her wild, curly red hair, to her black and white pair of converses.

"And how...would you do that?" I flirt, cockily smirking.

She looks outside through the large front windows--obviously feigning innocence.

"It's dark and my car is parked a bit far from here...can you walk me?"

Valerie slid onto me before I could even ask. Her small body shape beautifully hovering right over me as she hungrily pressed her lips onto me, and began pulling at my pants. I push back, knocking her head briefly into the headrest. Valerie moans in pleasure against my mouth, and I swirl my tongue.

The car heats as clothes are thrown, and the windows fog with condensation. I briefly moan at the sight of Valerie bare in front of my eyes, and she smirks before sliding onto me.

I really should've had more self-control. 

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