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Chapter 5:

I always get a little shy when I talk about how me and Alaia first started. It's not a very loving or...romantic way to start a relationship, but I guess it's not the weirdest.

Alaia started being less guarded. I'm unsure if it was just around me or if she was comfortable with other people too. But she started smiling, genuine smiles at that. The sun seemed to part everytime she brought her teeth together and parted her lips. Alaia wouldn't smile if she wasn't genuinely delighted, she wouldn't laugh if she didn't think it was funny. She had this brutal honesty with how she carried herself, and I really, really liked it.

I was beginning to admire her.

We were rehearsing the night before dress rehearsal. Everyone was there, instructors, stage directors, light managers---it was basically a pre-dress rehearsal to the actual one. I was in the male dressing room, when Paul stopped me.

"Hey Kino! Do you know where Alaia went?"

I glance briefly at Paul behind me, my bare back exposed to him. I turn back around and swing my shirt over my head, "A-Alaia..? No...I don't."

Paul let out a light laugh before walking over to me and turning me by the shoulder to face him. The innocent, yet aggressive Paul was replaced with a thirstier, flirtier one. His teeth line together in a serpentine smirk while his eyes skate over my skin like knives.

"You're the only one close with her," Paul squeezes my shoulder lightly. "And I want to know where she is --"

" -- aren't you with Micah? Leave Alaia alone."

"Hyunggu..." Paul clicks his teeth, "don't be like that. After all, we have the same demon, we're practically brothers," Paul explains as he removes his hand from my shoulder. I wipe the spot his hand soiled, and take a step towards him in my attempt to intimidate him.

"I am nothing like you."

Paul let a laugh blow out of his nose. "Funny, Valerie said differently."

My muscles stiffen to a sharp jolt. "H-how did you know about Valerie?"

"She couldn't stop talking about how happy she was that she banged 'the most attractive man in the studio,'" Paul's eyes roll to the back of head, and I'm afraid they'll get stuck there before he brings them to focus on me once again -- his blue eyes sending icicles through mine.

"So," Paul continues, "Where is she? Where's your little second?"

"For the last time Micah," I huff, "I. Don't. Know. And even if I did, I'd never tell you."

I never thought of Paul as cruel and unreasonable. Paul is one of the most talented, respectable men I know. For him to be asking me for someone else was beyond betrayal to Micah. As far as I knew their relationship was great, and even if him and Micah just fought and he's feeling...needy, this isn't right, and I wouldn't be the one caught up in relationship affairs.

Especially if I have to get Alaia involved too.

Pulling me from my thoughts Paul took my collar in both hands, lifted me off the floor, and slammed my back against the wall. I wiggle and squirm in his hands, desperately trying to free myself, before I finally realize I'm not getting out of this. Paul is far too strong and I'm far too skinny and frail.

"For the last time Kino. Where is Alaia?" Paul growls, his eyes gleaming red.

I choke back tears threatening to cascade down my face, and sigh in defeat.

"She was talking to Instructor Leah the last time I saw her."

Paul didn't even look at me as he made an exit.

Hearing Paul's footsteps march past the door led me dashing to the girl's dressing room, the opposite way of the instructors room. My fist was pounding on the door as soon as I was close enough to reach it. My hands shook by my sides, and before I knew it, I was being pulled into the dressing room by my collar.

"Kino what's wrong? Why are you shaking like you've been stuck in the snow for hours?" Alaia asked, her voice silken.

"I think we need to call the center or something..."

Alaia merely blinked at me, her face still holding a blank expression. "For whom?"

I choke back saliva and calm myself enough to make eye contact with Alaia, her dark brown eyes still half dull. "Paul, he's looking for you."

Rubbing her hands up her neck, Alaia let out a shaking breath. Peeling my eyes from her, I turned around to lock the door and press a chair firmly under the knob. Paul wasn't getting in any time soon. Hopefully Leah would sense he was off, or bang him herself.

Filling my thoughts with other ways to barricade the door, I didn't notice I'd shielded Alaia from the door with my body.



Alaia let out a light cough to clear her throat. She normally isn't the shy type at all, but the atmosphere was slowly tensing, and I could hear her heart beating against my back.

Alaia softens as she whispers, "I-I was drunk that night. I didn't know what I was doing and I'm sorry if that wasn't what you wanted."

I straighten to a standing position, and turn to find out that we've backed our way into the wall. My eyes involuntarily dart to her lips, and my tongue takes in my bottom one.

"It's exactly what I wanted Alaia."

my demon~ KinoWhere stories live. Discover now