Chapter 6: I'll Kill Her.

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They've been at the hospital for four hours, and the only thing they knew is that Ellie was taken care of.
"It's too long."
"Nick cal-"
"NO ! It's too long! I'm the one who caused this shit but she is the one getting the consequences!"
"Torres. Remember what she told you okay?! It's not your fault."
"She can't die. If she dies I'll kill her." said Kasie coming in, panicking. "Please tell me she's not dead." she said looking at Nick with teary eyes.
"We don't know."
"What do you mean we don't know?!"
"Hey, calm down. Come here." said Nick hugging Kasie.
"I can't lose her Nick. She's my best friend."
"And she's the love of my life. That's why she'll come back. She doesn't have a choice. Or-"
"I'll kill her." she said chuckling.
Nick took over his angst and pain to comfort Kasie.

"Eleanor Bishop's relative?"
"Yes?!" they all said jumping up.
"Eleanor has been through a lot. Too much. Burns, cuts, gun shots, alcohol burns, and electric impacts. With all of this plus the strangulation, she still managed to make it. She's gonna have a lot of scars. She's a survivor. She's probably gonna have ptsd though. My advice is for her to see a psychologist. "
"But overall she's okay?"
"Overall... She's okay. You can go see her but not all of you at the same time please."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you doctor." Said Kasie hugging him.
"Thank you." they all said.

"Hey El." Nick said coming in her room.
"Hey, how are you?"
"No, how are you? I'm not the one who- you know."
"You can say it. But I'm fine, I'll be out in a few days. How are you feeling?"
"Yeah no, I can't say it. It's too- too fresh and early. And I'm fine, just a little shaken by your- and my father."
"Is he dead? I remember falling but I don't know if- he's dead. You don't have to ans-"
"No, yeah, he's dead."
"I'm sorry for your loss Nick."
"Don't be sorry. I'm the one who's sorry. I should've kn-"
"It's not your fault Nick, I told you that."
"It still feels that way."
"You'll be okay Nick. I love you."
"I love you too babe."
She cringed at that word.
"You okay El ?"
"Yeah just- wave of pain. I'm gonna try to sleep. You can go home."
"I'm not going home babe."
"You sure you okay?"
"Yeah yeah, I'll sleep it off." she said closing her eyes.

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