Chapter 9: Nothing.

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It's been two weeks. Ellie's been out of the hospital for days. She's been through four therapy sessions.
She didn't talk about anything.
She wasn't getting any better.
Physically, only scars were left, but mentally...
She's broken.

"Hey." Said Ellie standing in front of Jack's office.
"Oh hey Ellie! I didn't know you were working today."
"I'm not I- can you be my therapist please? I just- I don't seem to be able to open up to the other one but I feel like I'm betraying Nick by forcing him to go and talk while I don't..."
"Yeah of course. Do you want to do it now?"
"You don't have a case?"
"Nop, plus I can take time for you."
"Okay, yeah, thanks."
"So, what do you want to talk about."
"You saw the videos?"
"In one of them, he writes something on my arm with a knife."
"Yeah, I remember."
"Uh- I lied. He- he wrote-well showing you is more explicit." she said as she rolled her sleeve up. "It's the real reason I can't hear him- calling me like that. He used to call me like that. Rogero."
"Does Nick know?"
"I don't want to break him even more."
"When he finds out those scars, if it's not from you, it'll break him even more."
"How am I suppose to tell him? Like 'oh remember when I told you I didn't like 'babe' it was because of some guy, well it's the truth, and this guy was your dad.' like I can't break him..."
"I know you're scared Ellie, but I think that sharing those things with him might help."
"What if I remind him to much of his dad? What if he doesn't love me after I show him?"
"I would never stop loving you El." Nick said coming inside Jack's office. "Sorry, the door was open. Whatever you tell me won't make me love you less."
"I'm gonna let you two talk alone."
"Ellie, what's going on?"
"I lied. Well not entirely. But I lied. Uh- remember one of the videos? The one where he wrote something with his knife?"
"He uh- he did that." she said showing him her arm.
"Oh my God-"
"I'm so sorry Nick. I should've tell you but I didn't want to break you and-"
He crushed his lips on hers.
"Don't apologize El, it's not your fault. I understand. We'll be okay."
Ellie didn't answer which made Nick take her off his arms.
"El? You okay?"
"Dizzy- I think I'm going to- pass out-" she said passing out.
"Whoa! What the fuck?!"

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