Eden Hazard

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stood up
A person who doesn't show up or arrive at a particular function or event; a person who doesn't show up for a date or to meet up with a date.
Y/N - your name

Another request!
Enjoy babies
Stay safe lovies xx

I straighten my dress as I step out of my car before making my way to the restaurant. I walk in to be greeted by a friendly looking man dressed in an all black suite. "Good evening, ma'am. Do you have a table reserved?" He asks as I nod. "Yes, it's under the name Steve." I say as he looks and nods his head, "Right this way." He says as he leads me to the back of the restaurant where there was a table for two set up.

The man sits me down and hands me a menu, "Do you want to order something before your companion arrives?" He asks as I nod my head, "Just a coke please." I say as he nods his head and makes his way to the kitchen. I look at the wooden clock on the wall, seeing that my date (Steve) was 5 minutes late. However, that 5 minutes turned into 10, which turned into 25, which turned into an hour.

I sigh as I look at my blocked contact as I look at Stevens number, sighing and calling my waiter over. "Just the bill please." I say as he nods and makes his way to get my bill. I sit and twiddle my thumbs, looking around the busy restaurant until my eyes land on a man. He has short hair and a frown on his face with an empty seat open. By reading his body language, thanks to being a psychologist, I could see he got stood up too.

I get an idea in my head as I call over my waiter, "Just before you get my bill, can you please send a beer to that man over there." I say as I point at the man. "Of course." My waiter says as he makes his way to give him a beer. Soon enough, the beer was being taken to him. I see the waiter pointing over at me as the young man looks over at me. He smiles wide at me and nods his head towards me, thanking me. I smile back at him and look back at my phone.

The waiter comes back after a short while and places something on my table. I assume its my bill until I look up to see that it was an expensive glass of wine. "The man you sent the beer wanted me to send you this along with this paper." The waiter says as he hands me the napkin. I thank him as he walks away. I open the letter to read, "Thank you for making my night just a little bit better after being stood up. Come sit by me if you're not waiting for anyone. Everything that was on your menu has been moved onto mine. Eden x." I smile at his napkin as I look up and over at him to see him smiling widely at me.

I stand up and make my way to his table, "Hey, I'm Y/N." I say as he looks up at me and smiles. He stand up, "I'm Eden." He says as he takes my hand in his and presses a gentle kiss to my hand, causing me to blush. We both sit down and talk for hours on end. We talk about being stood up and our careers and stupid things like our favorite colour and our fears. Conversation flowed so easily with him, making my night go from a negative to a positive in a span of a few minutes.

Myself and Eden stumble out of the restaurant. Not from being drunk, but from laughter as we both laugh loudly at one of his stories whilst he was still a player for Chelsea, "That's priceless." I say as I wipe a tear away from my eyes. "Thanks for tonight, Y/N. I've never been so glad to be stood up before." He says causing me to chuckle.

"I can say the same. I'm glad I saw you before I left." I say as he nods his head, "If that's not fate, I don't know what is." He says as I nod my head. We are both met with silence for the first time tonight between us. "Would you maybe like to do this again sometime?" He asks as I nod my head, "That would be amazing." I answer truthfully as I stare up into his dark eyes. "Then I'll be seeing you soon beautiful." He says before pressing a quick kiss to my cheek, making butterflies appear in my stomach and my cheeks to turn red. Thank god for being stood up.


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