Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

A week has passed since that happened and Stella hasn't mentioned one thing about that night. I was debating with myself whether I should tell her or not but since she got mad at Olivia and Wen for letting me take her home, I don't think I should say anything.I'm guessing she was drunk enough that she didn't know what happened that night, so I let it go, I don't need her to cause any more problems with her anyways. All those times I was mean to her and her friends was because Jules had forced me too or I was out of her group.

I'm walking through the school going to my next class, music with Ms. Reznik, I'm not supposed to not like this class since Ms. Reznik idolizes her favorite students in the band Lemonade mouth ugh.

Honestly I find them okay since I actually enjoy their music even though I play that horrible mudslide crush music, that's just for my image. I see Patty talking with Jules and as I come over. They smile and Jules waves saying she needs to go to art class. As soon as Patty and I enter I see all the band members of lemonade mouth actively talking and laughing. I roll my eyes and sit in my seat at the back since I always act like I don't care about them. I actually want to talk to Stella about that night but I restrain myself.

Ms. Reznik starts telling everyone to be quiet and I just lean back in my seat not really caring. She starts telling us about the different instruments that we have learned over the year, the acoustic guitar, the electric guitar, the bass, the drums, piano/ keyboard, we haven't really learned singing but she believes you don't really need to learn how to sing. She then tells us since it's the end of the year she's going to give us a project that will count a lot for our grade. I groan and Stella glares at me since she's clearly interested in this project. Ms. Reznik says that our project will be in groups of 4 and that she will assign them.

Group number 1: Wen, Shania, Arthur, Victoria.

Group number 2: Olivia, Jenna, Kyle, Christopher.

Group number 3: Mo, Julia, Scott (ouch Mo's not gonna like that), Oliver.

Group number 4: Ray, Patty, Charlie, Stella.

As soon as Ms. Reznik said the last group me and Stella both stood up and yelled out "WHAT?!" Ms. Reznik sighed and continued, "These are all of your groups, as you can see I put at least 1 lemonade mouth member in your group since they know what hard work is about." Our assignment is to write one song for our group, we can choose our instruments but she recommended we used lots of different instruments and lastly we will be performing our songs in one week. So basically I have Patty, Charlie and the worst, Stella Yamada as my band. We have to create a song and perform it! Ms. Reznik is crazy! Absolutely crazy! It can't be done and it won't be done especially with me and Stella fighting all the time.

Stella POV

After school in the basement we all are trying to figure out what to write the song about. Ms. Reznik wants our songs have to meaning and not be something stupid. Since this class is the only grade I can really score high in and brag about I'm pretty determined to do well.

We all started to brainstorm ideas about what our song was going to be about. So far we had cheerleading (Patty), global warming (Charlie being clueless as always) and being thankful for what we have, that idea we pitched together. I honestly thought that wasn't a bad idea but I don't think that will get us top marks, our songs has to our own sentimental feelings put into it, well at least one of ours. Ya that's right I just got deep.

Anyways I said we should worry about what we'll write the song about later (honestly I'm just going to Olivia or Wen for some help.) I wanted to see what instrument skill level Patty and Ray were at. Especially since in mudslide crush Ray just jump around and talks. Patty can jump around and cheer, that's great it doesn't mean you guys are musically talented and can play instruments cause that's what's gonna get us a good grade.

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