Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Stella POV

Ms. Reznik dropped me off and I waved bye to the band. I came in to the house being tired out of my mind. Exams, Ms. Reznik's crazy driving and an interview in one day, is she trying to kill us? I walk into the house seeing him, Ray was sitting in the kitchen with my mother talking.

My mouth dropped in shock thinking why the heck is he here? I mean it's not bad enough he made fun of me today at school now he's at home too great. I mean I was planning on avoiding him at school but now he's here ugh!

I walked over to them and sat down beside my mother smiling, "Hi mom, um why is Ray here?" Ray smiled looking a bit guilty from today and my mother whispered to me, "He said he needed to talk to you, I told him you were with the band but he insisted on waiting for you here. What was I supposed to do kick him out?" She smiled at him and continued writing until her phone ringed and excused herself out of the room.

Ray looked at me and I glared at him, "Before you say anything Stella, I need to talk to you." I sigh, "There's nothing to talk about, Ray you wanted me to trust you and be my friend, then you insult me! In front of the band! We aren't going to study together anymore, I'll study myself, go to Jules." I was standing up and pretty much yelling at him.

He looked hurt and he got up, grasped my hand with a look of plea in his eyes. He then took my other hand and pulled me towards the family room. We sat on the couch and I pulled my hand out of his, crossed my arms waiting for an explanation or an apology at least.

He looked at me trying to get my eyes to look at him but he couldn't so he just continued, "I'm so sorry" there's the apology. "I didn't want to insult you but Jules was treating you like that and I couldn't be nice to you" I interrupted him saying coldly, "What do you mean you can't be nice to me? That's what friends do!" I finally looked into his eyes seeing pain and frustration, then looked away. "It's not like I can just ditch Jules and hang out with you. The band will be weird out especially cause I treated you guys like shit before." I thought for a moment trying to figure out a solution to this problem.

"Alright, I know my friends won't be exactly nice to you,... at first. They are my band and my friends so if you want to be mine friend you'll have to gain their trust but until then..." He thought for a moment and said, "I'll ease into hanging out with the band, until then I'll spend time with you after school, studying or we could meet up at like break in private."

I nodded liking the idea, "Alright, but you're gonna have to try really hard to be my friend after this." He scratched his neck and said, "One more thing, since I can't hang out with you at school, I'll still have to hang out with Jules and I can't really treat you nice."

I nodded understanding, "Alright, Ray I'm a big girl I can handle your stupid insults." I waved it off and started to get to my backpack, "What are you doing?" he asked. I looked at him like it was obvious. "We are studying duh! I'm not failing those exams! Now you get some time to prove yourself to me." He rolled my eyes and I continued to get out my books to study.

Olivia POV

Second last day of our exams and Stella was quickly rushing to get her textbooks out of her locker as I headed towards her. "Stella what's the rush?" She looked up gasped and then calmed down realizing it was me, she looked like she was trying to come up with a fake excuse.

"Well um... my parents have a meeting so I have to take care of my brothers tonight." I raised my eyebrows at her and said, "Really Stella? That's what you come up with?" Mo came up behind me and said, "What's up guys?" I sighed, "Trying to figure out why Stella is ditching our study group AGAIN."

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