Chapter 5

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Chapter 5


The next day I walked over to Olivia's house so we could go to school together. I knocked on her door and her grammie answered. She called Olivia and welcomed me in. A second later Olivia came down the stairs in a blue shirt with a patterned skirt waving hi. I gave her a hug and we started out the door.

"Hey Olivia, ready for school?" she nodded and got her backpack, "Ya let's go before we're late."

Olivia spoke, "Hey Wen do you think Stella is alright? I mean she sorta skipped out on us yesterday."

I took her hand and intertwined our fingers to reassure her and said, "Stella will be fine, maybe something urgent came up at home. Don't worry."

She smiled and said "I'm not sure." I interrupted her, "Look she's right over there" I pointed to Stella who was saying goodbye to Ray and trying to catch up with Scott, Mo and Charlie. We walked over to them and gave each other hugs before we went to class.

The bell rung and we caught up with Stella who was heading to our Chemistry exam, Olivia said, "Hey, What's up?" she looked at her, "Oh hey, just heading to our Chemistry exam, you nervous?" she nodded, "Wen comforted me on the way to school so I'm okay."

Stella looked really nervous and said, "Are you ready?". We entered the room and I put my finger over my mouth signaling to be quiet and gave them a thumbs up for good luck. We all sat beside each other in the middle row with the exam paper face down on the table. Olivia looked really pale so I rubbed her back to calm her down and she looked at me thankfully. Ms. Howard came in and told us the instructions, then we started our exam.

Two hours later we finished our chemistry exam and walked out of there like dead zombies. We decided to get a snack since we need some energy for us to do our best for our next two exams. On the way to our cafeteria we started talking about how hard that Chemistry exam was. Stella spoke, "What, is Ms. Howard trying to kill our brains! That was one frickin hard chemistry exam."

Olivia and I nodded then she said, "but how do you think you did?" Stella thought for a moment and said, "I thought I did okay but it was still hard even if you studied really well." Olivia spoke, "Me too what about you Wen?" I looked at them and said, "I thought I did really well since you helped me study." Olivia blushed and we sat down at the table with Mo, Charlie and Scott.

No one POV

The lemonade gang sat down with of course lemonade that Mo had gotten. They started chatting about how hard their exams were and how they were gonna celebrate once they were done. Stella said, "I'm just saying after our final exam I'm going go "Ha in your frickin face I'm done your damn exam" to every teacher."

The whole gang laughed and Charlie said, "Are you sure you're going to do that to every teacher?" Stella thought and said, "Well maybe just a couple." We all laughed at Stella's laziness.

Ray walked by and Stella said, "Hey Ray, how was your exam?" He was about to reply but Jules cut in saying, "Why do you care? Just cause your famous now doesn't mean we treat you nicely. C'mon Ray." Ray looked sad for a millisecond and suddenly it turned into a smirk, "Later loser mouths." Stella was shocked and didn't say anything, the rest of the group saw her face and decided not to say anything.

The bell rang and the group got up getting their stuff for their next exam. Charlie and Mo saw Stella's face which was stuck in a shocked trans. Mo tried yelling her name but it didn't work so Charlie snapped in her face to get to their next exam, biology. Olivia, Scott and Wen had already started heading to their Calculus exam which they dreaded gratefully.

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