Chapter 17

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Alrighty people a new chapter and you people will find out who the mystery guy is! dun dun dun... anyways please enjoy! I put in a little Francais if you know what I mean.

Chapter 17

Stella POV

My heartbeat had started to accelerate and I no longer breathed out. I couldn't move my feet, stuck to the ground and frozen. Olivia and Mo were standing beside me giving each other side-glances, communicating silently. The guys had stopped walking and moved back to see what we were staring at.

Words refused to form out of my mouth. He ran up to me and gave me a hug, "Stella! I'm so happy to see you." I stay frozen and don't say anything. He pulls away seeing I won't hug back, looks in my eye and whispers for just me to hear, "we need to talk." My body, still in shock doesn't move. I smile and nod. Mo and Olivia pull me away and say, "she can't, we have to go." He tries to reach out for me but I'm already walking away with them. The guys follow closely behind us.

In our room, the girls and I were sitting on my bed and discussing, "I don't understand why he came all the way here just to talk to you." Olivia said. I shrugged, "I really don't know, I thought he would leave me alone after he ditched me at the airport." Olivia asked, "ditched?" I shook my head not wanting to explain any further.

Mo pushed herself off her bed and said, "alright, now pretend I'm Ray and tell me all the things you want to say to me." "What!?" I exclaim but Olivia got up and pulled me with her. "why?" I put on a pouting face, Mo took my shoulders and put me facing her.

"At least try it" I raise one eyebrow at her and sigh, "Alright, so Ray, go suck a dick, bye!" Mo rolled her eyes and said, "c'mon Stella be serious, we want to help you. Anyways this will make you feel better." I groaned, "alright… Ray. I can't believe that you decided to come here. Especially after you told me that you liked me and made out with Jules. You let me run away and when you told me that you would come say goodbye at the airport," I paused and looked at the ground, "I don't want to hear it, so go away."

I walked across the room and sat on my bed too tired to hear what they had to say. Mo and Olivia sat beside me again and said, "Stella we had no idea that it was this bad, you have to tell us next time." I sighed and nodded my head, "I'm going to take a shower, okay?"

As I walked to the bathroom the room stayed silent.

Charlie POV

When we got back we washed up and relaxed watching television. I decided to ask if they knew why Ray was here, that guy is annoying but I've tolerated him a bit more because of Stella's feelings, "do you guys know why Ray's here?" They shook their hands and I said, "c'mon Scott, nothing?" He shrugged, "I haven't talked to him since he kicked me out."

They weren't really paying attention because of their phones, so I took their phones and turned off the television, "guys pay attention!" They got up and Scott said, "alright, so let's go the girls room to discuss." They pushed me out the door and closed it. I banged on the door and yelled, "I still have your phones." They opened the door and gestured to give them, "I'll give them back if you come with me to the girls' room."

They groaned and shut the door behind them. "One of you guys have a key right?" Scott said, "yeah, I got mine." We travelled the short distance to the other end of the hallway to go to the girls room. We knocked and Mo opened the door with a smile. The smile that made me forget everything around me. Scott pushed me forward and I almost fell, luckily I had the door knob to stable myself. They all chuckled at me and I smiled goofily.

Olivia stood up from her bed and said, "so, what's up guys?" I was just looking at Mo she looked cute in her pajamas. Someone's hand snapped in front of my face and I zoned back, "oh we wanted to ask if you knew why Ray is here?" Mo groaned, "if we knew, that would be great wouldn't it?"

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