Chapter 15

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Hey everyone! SO SO sorry for not updating in awhile. I've been extremely busy with homework and mean teachers. I know I could've updated earlier through the Christmas and New Year's holiday but I went on vacation. So here's a kind of sad chapter... sorry. OH to answer some review questions and clarify some things.

Charlie's parents aren't divorced, I just thought they both should have separate speeches for their son. Also Wen's father just married his step-mother in the movie. If you have any more questions go ahead and ask. I know you people want Ray and Stella to get together but I think they will get together a little later. Approximately 2 chapters later if you want to exactly know. Alright enjoy.

Chapter 15

Stella POV

When I got home I wanted to find something to occupy my mind. My shirt says, "I won't cry for you because my mascara's too expensive." Even though I don't wear make-up it expresses what I'm feeling. I'm not going to cry for Ray, I'm better than this. I decided to occupy my brain by starting to pack for our trip tonight. Especially, since I didn't start packing yet.

To start I opened my closet. Ugh too many clothes! I hate packing, you have to tear through your closet to find the one thing you want and if you can't find it you have to go through everything again. I found a bunch of clothes that I wanted to bring and put them on my bed. The next step was putting all the clothes I didn't want back in my closet. I was too lazy so I decided to put the clothes I wanted in my luggage.

By the time I finished packing, I felt really tired so I decided to take a little nap. I woke up to find an annoying Indian girl tossing my clothes out of my luggage and putting other things into it. I groaned and Mo said, "finally you're awake." I got up and said, "what are you doing in my room."

Olivia sat next to me on my bed and said, "Your mom let us in." Mo yelled to me, "We're, well I'm here to check if you packed correctly. I don't think you did so I'm going to have to rearrange it."

"Don't touch my stuff Mohini! It took me a long time to pack that!" Mo kept throwing out more of my things, "really? Your mom said you packed just now." I smacked her hand away and she glared at me. Before we could get any further Olivia stopped us. "Okay! You two, stop. We only have about an hour or two before we have to go to the airport. You guys are going to work out your problems now. Otherwise I'll be stuck with you two bickering girls this entire summer."

We stared at her in awe as she walked to my bed and picked up two pillows. Olivia rarely bursts out in anger and when she does she's serious. She handed it to us and says, "imagine that the pillow is someone you really hate. Now, I want you to yell out your anger. If you want, kick it or punch it just get out all of your anger. I'm timing it! You only get one minute." I shrugged and Olivia counted down, "3,2,1 GO!"

I decided to let all my anger out. I mean could you blame me? Today was already stressful enough because of Ray. I imagined it was him and started to yell all the things I wanted to tell him. I started to say like how could you, you bastard.

At around the first 20 seconds I felt some tears pricking my eyes. As we kept going my tears were threatening to pour out. By the end of the minute my tears were flowing out. I crouched on the ground and cried into the pillow.

Mo and Olivia crouched over me trying to soothe me. They handed me tissues, rubbed my back and by the time I stopped crying they had a very serious look on their faces. I sat on the floor with my head in my knees. and they sat on each side of me. Mo started, "Stella what's wrong?"

I didn't say anything but Olivia talked next, "Stella, we want to help you. You never cry. What's wrong?" I took a deep breath looked up at the picture of Ray and I on my night stand. Mo talked, "if you don't tell us, we're going to keep pestering you about it." I sighed and pointed to the picture. I motioned for one of them to bring it over. Olivia got up cautiously and pointed at it. I nodded and she brought it over.

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