Chapter 11

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Lots of songs lalalala lolz. Anyways if your getting sick of me putting in songs I think I'll take a break next chapter with the songs :)

Chapter 11


I must admit they were pretty good, even if I still hate Ray he has good taste in band mates. As they got off we told them good job and since now the lights were fixed we got on stage. I waved and spoke into the headset we all had on, "Hey everybody, I'm Mo from Lemonade Mouth." We all introduced ourselves before we continued.

Stella continued on the topic bullying, "Alright everyone, listen up! Bullying, what does it mean and no Mo I don't want the definition." I scoffed and the crowd laughed. "Is it funny? Stupid? Hurtful? Mean? Whatever you think it is I think it's not right." Scott spoke up, "today we were lucky enough for each of us to have spent the day with just a few examples of a bully's victim." We hadn't really planed it so we were just winging it, I'm so glad we're doing so well.

Olivia started to speak, "but right now we want to tell you our story." I could hear some whistles and Olivia continued, "This may not be a famous interview but we don't really care. We want to tell you what we were before Lemonade Mouth." Shania and Oliver brought out chairs for us and we started to tell our story, guess they are backstage crew now.

Wen spoke, "when we were in high school, we didn't know each other, at all." Charlie spoke, "Stella had just transferred to our school, Wen and Olivia were not popular, not jocks, and not nerds, we were quiet shy people who never spoke up." Scott decided to continue, "I was a jock, a popular, I used to be no better than you bullies. I used to part of it and I'm sincerely sorry to those I hurt." I spoke, "I was what you call an intelligent person and played classical violin."

Stella spoke, "I really didn't know any of them and Charlie well he was just a normal guy that no one really knew. We were all nobodies and invisible." She took a breahe "We wanted our voice to be heard, so we started a revolution, of course when we all met in detention and played together we didn't believe it at first."

Charlie kept going, "We all thought Ms. Reznik was crazy for coming up with the idea of us being a band. After Stella had text us and told us her idea we decided a simple way, we flipped a coin." Wen laughed and Olivia kept talking, "I'm guessing you knew what our decision was, if you think we were a perfect fit from the beginning it's a misconception. Mo and Charlie wanted to quit pretty quickly but we pulled through together."

Wen took her hand and I awed, "Stella and I got our first gig at our Halloween dance and we started our revolution there, we practiced hard and pretty soon were the voices of the people who couldn't stand up for themselves. We were bullied and put down just like the people we met today."

Stella continued, "We stood on top for awhile but unfortunately everything went downhill after that. At the Rising Star competition Charlie had three broken fingers, Mo had a crazy fever, Olivia lost her voice and Wen had a black eye, it was hopeless. We still got on stage though and failed but before we went off Scott came up and helped.

I smiled and spoke, "With the crowd singing to us we knew that our fans heard our voice. We all became the best of friends and as a family we helped each other. We performed at Madison Square Garden and we're here now to help an unfinished problem." Charlie finished for me, "to help you guys find your voice and stand up, continue our revolution." Scott spoke up, "we're going to play some songs for you, we hope you listen and understand what we're trying to say."

Olivia whispered into Wen's ear at his keyboard so he changed the sound up and gave her a thumb up. Wen told Charlie at his drums and Scott got out his turn table while Stella told me to follow her lead so I guess we're dancing. Scott started up the track with Wen and Charlie playing while Stella and I stood behind Olivia at the mike ready to sing. The lights were dark until Olivia's voice broke through, it was a little quiet because I'm certain she was still nervous. She stood at the mike while I followed Stella's well made up choreography.

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