We all got to the party with Ubers so that means that Billie's car is still at my place, we walked to the door seeing it's just open so we walk in as we see all the people dancing and having fun.
"JULIA! YOU MADE IT!" I hear the familiar voice yell out to me on my left side so I look and saw him coming this way, I gotta say that he's changed since I last saw him.
"HEY, TONY!" I yell out to him as he got to me, he pulled me into a hug which I accepted and hugged back. We pulled away after a little bit as I remembered that Billie and my friends are here too, he looked at everyone and smiled.
"oh yeah, Tony this is Billie, Rachel, Sarah, Ryan, Emma and Kyle. Everyone this is Tony" I said introducing them all as the guys hold onto they're girl's waists so they know while me, Billie and Rachel stand alone.
"well welcome. Drinks are in the kitchen, just follow me" he said as we all follow him, Rachel came next to me as we follow him and it looks like she has an eye for him.
"you think he's single?" Rachel asked biting her bottom lip as she stares at his ass making me chuckle.
"I'll find out soon enough, then he might be yours" I whispered the last part for her making her eyes widen while I chuckle again.
"what, who said that? You have no proof. What's your next YouTube video going to be?" she quickly asked trying to change the subject making me laugh lightly at her.
"was thinking of making a song or something" I said really wanting to make a song but I don't really know what.
"ooooo, sounds like a good idea" Rachel said then we finally got to the big ass kitchen.
"alright here we are in the kitchen" Tony said turning around to face us all.
"make yourselves at home but please don't start fights, bathrooms are upstairs" Tony said as he sat on a counter and got a drink, the others got themselves drinks so I sat next to Tony on the kitchen counter.
"tell me, how's your life going?" I asked him being interested.
"ohhhhhh, it's actually been really good although I've missed you the past few years" he said a little but sadly.
"yeah, I still don't fucking get why those people were such assholes" I said making him laugh as I caught Billie taking a quick glimpse at me but I act like I didn't see it.
"they're still assholes" he said making me laugh a little.
"well then you should get yourself some new ass management or something" I said making him nod.
"I know, I know. I am looking tho, how have you been? I saw you do some modeling too tho, that's actually lit as fuck" he said making me nod as I catch Billie quickly looking at me before looking away again.
"yeah, it's one of the things I do" I said them Rachel came and gave me a drink before she walked to the other side of the kitchen again.
"you too dating?" he asked making me laugh a little.
"no, no. She's just my friend and she's straight, think she's into you tho but keep it between us for now" I whispered at him so she couldn't hear.
"well I definitely have an eye for her" he said making me laugh a little again.
"she's single and 18 years old so fucking damn get her" I said making him burst out laughing making everyone and I mean everyone in the kitchen and kinda living room look at him.
"you have eyes for anyone?" he asked as I knew I definitely have for Billie but no one can know now.
"ummm depends" I said drinking everything in the cup Rachel gave me.
"damn you really wanna drink huh?" he asked as he looked at me with a brown raised making me chuckle, I saw Billie looking at me again which is weird because she's done it a few times now.
"well I haven't really drinked in some time so I'd actually really like to drink" I said making him laugh again and I catch Billie staring at me again but like every time, I just act like I don't see it.
"why not tho?" he asked making two drinks as I look closely if he put something in one drink but he doesn't, why would he tho? He's a good guy.
"ummm, I'm just gonna say that I got in one deep shit trouble" I said making him laugh again, he gave me one of the drinks so I took a sip and this shit is good.
"guess your a party animal then, huh?" he asked looking at Rachel while she's talking to the guys and girls.
"nah, I'm a troubled animal" I said making him laugh as Billie heard it and looked at me but again, I act like I don't see it.
"trouble animal" he repeated laughing and shaking his head.
"what you do?" he asked looking at me as I see Billie coming closer but lije I've been doing the whole night, I act like I don't see shit.
"there was this one time that I was wasted as fuck but a bitch came up to me and randomly hit me so I hit back then all hell got loose" I said shaking my head at that as he chuckled.
"what you do tho?" he asked being curious so I drank the whole drink he gave me and thought a little bit.
"I broke her nose" I said then his eyes widen.
"oooooooo" he said then laughed.
Here ya go
Hope you enjoyed
Sorry for miss spellings tho
I'm too damn tired 😴