Sorry I took so long you all, it's the last part 😔
Billie POV
"this is nice" I said smiling while placing my hands on Julia's that's on my stomach, we're sitting on a hill looking over Los Angeles and I'm sitting between her legs.
"mhm... Quick question, what colors do you think our future wedding is going to be?" she asked half shocking me and the other half now thinking about it.
(I already planned the mf wedding in my head)
"... Rainbow" I said already having a few ideas of how it might look but.
"then it's good that I was also thinking of that" she said putting her chin on my shoulder and kissed my cheek.
"do you have something in mind of what your going to wear?" I asked curious of the answer even tho I know that we might break up some time and not get married or it will just be in a few years... Which will probably be a whole few years.
"maybe but I'm not saying" she said most definitely having a smirk on her face.
"who do you think will ask first?" I asked knowing that I'm going to ask her some time after my ring is done, I'm letting it get made but the people doesn't know that it's me so I guess it's fine for now.
"most definitely me" she said causing me to smirk because I mean like... C'mon, but fine I'll let you have your little moment.
"can't wait" I said leaning further into her taking in the wonderful moment.
☾︎✰At Home✰☽︎
"what you wanna watch?" Julia asked me from the living room as she's going through Netflix.
"what's that zombie show thingy?" I asked putting a bag of popcorn on the microwave and pressed the buttons to heat it up.
"iZombie" Julia said after thinking a bit of which one I could be talking about.
"yes" I said stopping the popcorn before it burns, I took the popcorn bag walking to the living room and sat down next to Julia.
"so your done with everything you wanted to do, right?" she asked making sure that I don't have to do anything else.
"yeah I'm done" I said getting a nod before she played from where we left off which is season one episode nine only because I haven't watched this before, she wrapped an arm around my waist and rested her head on my shoulder while reaching her hand into the popcorn bag.
"what would you do if you were a zombie?" I asked out of the blue which actually surprised me because it just slipped out and I didn't even think of it.
"probably wanting to tell you but would be shitting myself because I wouldn't know what's going to come for me, I'd also make sure that your safe" she said causing me to laugh while she groans at me laughing.
"why would you be shitting yourself?" I asked chuckling at the words she used which doesn't make sense because why would she be shitting herself?
"first of all, because I'd be scared that you'd be afraid and run. Second of all, I'd be scared that you'd try to kill me. And lastly, I'd be afraid that something would happen" she said holding me protectively with her arm that's wrapped around my waist before placing a kiss to my temple.
⚠️One Last Time⚠️
"fair enough" I said and turned my head to place a kiss on her lips which lasted longer than I expected, her free hand took the bag of popcorn and placed it on the coffee table. I turned around so I could fully face her feeling her one hand traveling around my body, I wrapped my arms around her neck being pulled onto her lap by her free hand. She licked my bottom lip for entry which I accepted letting her tongue roam around my mouth, my fingers getting tangled in her hair and also massaging her scalp.