Adabitch that be my bitchy ass horse ^^ and also my finger from when my nail came off from that story I told you which it is 🤢 anyway enjoy
Billie POV
Julia has been really clingy with me since early this morning after the phone call, I gave her a message this morning because her whole body is sore as fuck from falling out of the plane which I still don't believe happened. The doors gets opened after the steps are set there so how the fuck did she fell out? She told me that they opened the door earlier because they thought the stairs was there and she didn't care as she just ran through the plane running out the door expecting stairs but she fell.
She's still trying to figure out the thing with her so called half brother which I find weird because they both was born on the same day, Caleb was just born a few minutes before Julia was and so Caleb explained that their father wanted a girl so he left him going to Julia. Julia has asked Caleb to meet up tomorrow by which she's going to take Nathan and Diane with, well she was just going to take Nathan but Diane really wanted to go so now she's going with but like I said it's tomorrow.
We are all now in the living room and also like I said before that Julia is being really clingy today, I've asked her a few times if there's anything wrong to why she's being so clingy but she just keeps saying she's fine. I really don't believe her saying she's fine from the way she keeps following me or well not even letting me go, she keeps her arms around my waist and oh dear fuck... I'm not even gonna start with the story of how we both took a piss together.
(oh my dear lord 🤦🏻♀️🤣💀)
Thank fuck that it wasn't a shit tho because that would've been waaaaaay more embarrassing than it already was, I swear she's fucking glued to me because everyone here has tried to get her off of me but instead it caused her to jump on my back wrapping her legs around my waist. Honestly... That led us both to fall as the others was recording and laughing their asses off, wow it's just a damn lucky them then but I'm not really complaining with her tho... It's just when I need to go to the bathroom.
"I love you" she said for the probably billionth time today by which everyone just looked at me with a 'what the fuck is wrong with her' look as I just shrug my shoulders.
"I love you too" I whispered back to her as I then felt her smile into my neck, yes she's sitting on my lap with her face into my neck as her arms are wrapped around my neck and her legs around my waist. I stood up with her hoping the others won't really notice because their eyes are literally now glued to the tv, I walked up to our room as I went and sat on the bed waiting for her to move her position so I can lay down by which she did.
"I know there's something wrong... Please tell me what it is" I softly asked her as I pulled her face so that we'd now look at each other, she looked down with a sigh as she then laid on her spot but kept her arms wrapped around my neck.
"... I had a dream that we broke up but in a messed up way I'd like not to describe, I then moved back to Poland and made my mom roadkill causing the cops to chase me by which they killed me in the end" she said sounding a bit scared as she talked.
"awww baby that'd never happen, alright? I'd never leave you because your stuck with me for the rest of life and I'm stuck to you, we're going to go through life together" I said as I lifted her head a bit placing a soft kiss on her lips, she pulled me back in as the kiss is this time only a but longer and more passionate.
"I love you" she said sounding tired as she made herself comfortable on me.
"I love you too, never forget that alright" I said now just kissing the top of her head as she nodded and slightly tightened her grip around my waist, I started stroking my hand through her hair as she slowly began to fall asleep from the cause of her not really sleeping. A smile spread across my face as I got more comfortable in her grip smuggling my face into her neck, I slowly started to fall asleep suddenly being tired.
Julia POV
I woke up being face to face with a sleeping goddess causing a smile to tug at my lips as I admire her beauty, I took my phone out seeing I have a message from Caleb.
Yo just telling, my plane just
landed so see you tomorrowAlright see you tomorrow
I exist messages as I then just looked at my lockscreen which was the photo of Billie sleeping on the morning of whem I went to Poland, I felt a hand turn my head to face them as they place their lips on mine.
"I love you" she whispered as her hand now rests on my cheek, a smile formed on my face as I bring her back in for a kissing with the smile not leaving my face.
"I love you too" I whispered pulling away from the kiss as we both now just state into each other's eyes... Until.
"aww but eww" we both heard from the door as we see everyone standing there.
"what the fuck is it with everyone always standing there?" I asked wanting to know.
"thinking of it... It's true, you all are always standing in our room by the door but never at someone else's" Billie said as they all just stand there looking like the emoji who's expression says 'oh shit'.
(dis one 😐)
"uhhh... Bye" Nathan said as he pulled Diane with him, Diane is going back to Poland next week then she officially moves here in two weeks by which she's going to live with her parents. Nathan is actually trying to convince her parents for her to also stay here because why not, the more the merrier right?
I love you all's comments
They always make my day
But they also kill me 💀Hope you enjoyed
Sorry for any miss spellingsI honestly post a lot these past few days because explanation 1. I really fucking enjoy writing. 2. Your comments always make my days. 3. You all are nice, sweet, funny, kind and a lot more. 4. I can literally talk to you all by being me and not someone everyone thinks I am. 5. I love you all and I wanna give everyone who enjoys this a good day, I wanna write some funny things to make someone's day better.
You all's comments really make my days better by kinda almost killing me 99% of the time but that's the thing, I really enjoy it.
Hope you all have a great night/day