I woke up in bed as I'm in Billie's arms and she's still sleeping, I carefully got out of her grip and stood up walking to the closet. I opened the closet and got some fresh clothes out putting it on, I closed the closet then walked to the door and opened it walking out. I closed the door behind me again as I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen, I made 2 cups of coffee for me and Billie then I made enough pancakes for everyone in the house.
I took Billie's coffee along with mine then I walked up to the room, I opened the door with my foot then walked in closing it behind me again. I walked to Billie's side putting her coffee on the nightstand, I walked to my side putting the coffee down on my nightstand before I sat down on the bed.
"Billie, wake up... I made some coffee and pancakes" I said earning a groan from her but she sat up pulling the sheets up with her.
"can I get some clothes?" she asked with her hot morning raspy voice.
"sure" I said and stood up then walked to Billie's bag getting some clothes out for her, I walked back to the bed sitting down and giving her clothes to her.
"thank you" she said then kissed my cheek after pulling her shirt on, she was too lazy to stand up so she also pulled her pants on laying down.
"why don't you just stand up?" I asked as I see her struggle a bit which I have to admit is kinda funny, I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from laughing as she gave me a 'bitch' stare.
"I'm sorry but it's just hilarious" I said finally bursting out laughing as she still struggled to get the pants on.
"what's going on here?" Rachel, Kyle, Tony, Emma, Sarah, Ryan, Finneas, Claudia, Maggie and Patrick all said as they peeked through the door taking us by surprise making Billie pull the sheet higher up.
"GET OUT!" me and Billie yelled on the same time as I took a shoe throwing it at their direction, they all immediately closed the door running away down the hall as we just hear they're footsteps.
"fucking people" me and Billie said on the same time again, we looked at each other and shrugged then just looked at the door. Billie finished up as I drank my coffee while she joined drinking her coffee too, we drank our coffee in silence as i think about the pancakes but then again. I did make sure to hide them from the others so they won't be able to eat it all, they all are fucking animals when it comes to pancakes so I don't know if they'll find it or not.
"shit, I'm gonna go check on the pancakes" I said as I quickly got up and ran to the door but I made sure not to spill my coffee out, I opened the door then walked out closing it again. I ran to the stairs and just speed walked down them careful not to spill my coffee, I quietly got to the main floor as I look around the corner seeing everyone in the kitchen looking for it.
"what you all doing?" I asked as I leaned against the wall.
"nothing" everyone said on the same time and that includes Billie's family too.
"uh yeah no, you won't find the pancakes" I said drinking the last of my coffee as they all groan but they went and sat on the couches, I chuckled then walked back up to my room to chase Billie up so that we can all eat. I opened the door and walked in then closed it behind me again, I looked at Billie and saw she was sleeping again so I walked to her side.
"Billie c'mon, they're all gonna eat the pancakes" I said but she just groaned and waved me away so I raised an eyebrow at her.
"alright" I said and picked Billie up over my shoulders as her legs is on my left while her head on my right.
"AHHHH NO! JULIA PUT ME DOWN!" she yelled out as she started clinging on me.
"nope, you didn't want to lift your lazy ass" I said as I started walking to the door and opened it then walking out, I walked to the stairs and made my way down while she was screaming.
"JULIA! I SWEAR IF YOU DON'T PUT ME DOWN! I'LL FUCKING WHIP YOUR ASS!" she yelled out as we were now on the top of the last stair case, everyone being so curious wanted to see why Billie was screaming and yelling so they stood up from the couches coming to the stairs.
"JULIA! PUT! ME! DOWN! NOW!" she yelled but I ignored her seeing that everyone was now taking pictures and videos, I walked down the stairs and to the couch as I bend over making her fall over my head onto the couch. Everyone was a laughing mess by this time while a smile on my lips and Billie with a angry pout as she cling onto the couch, I walked to the kitchen and climbed on one of the counters as I reach for the highest cabinet.
I opened it and got the pancakes out and closed it again as I put the pancakes on the counter, I looked at everyone seeing they're mout
mouths are open as I chuckled. Everyone even Billie came into the kitchen and got plates then each took 3, I took the last 3 as they were mine so I went and joined everyone on the couches while Ryan was on his phone while eating."Bro, Tony nie ma szans przeciwko tobie ... Jak to, co kurwa" Ryan said to me as he passed his phone over, I looked at the picture and chuckled sending the picture to me then I threw the phone back to him. (Bro, Tony doesn't stand a chance against you... Like what the fuck)
"huh?" Tony asked confused to why he heard his name.
"I'm sorry but I don't know if you stand a chance against her" Ryan said pointing at me as Tony looked at me then the picture on Ryan's phone.
"nah uh" is all he said before standing up and putting the empty plate in the sink, he walked out to the backyard as he disappears through the doors.
It felt good sleeping in my own bed again
Anyway here it finally is and I hope you enjoyed
Have a good day/night