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I woke up feeling for my phone which I got so I put it on and saw it's 8:2am, I saw a few notifications from Instagram so I went through them all one by one till I got to the last one. It was a message from Billie so I went to insta, I took a deep breath then hesitantly clicked on her name.


It's fine baby
I shouldn't have eavesdropped

My eyes went wide as I reread it making sure I read that "baby" part right and I just did, it's not in my mind. Oh shit, it's not in my mind. I put my phone off and put it on charge then stood up, I walked to my closet and got some jeans out with a shirt throwing it on the bed. I went to the bathroom then did what I wanted to do so I washed my face wanting the stress and frustration off, I walked back out then got dressed brushing my teeth and hair afterwards.

I walked downstairs opening the back door for Xanny to go out as he run out, I made myself some coffee then just sat on a couch putting the TV on and drinking my coffee. My phone pinged upstairs so I stood up and walked to my room, I got my phone and put it on seeing it's Rachel so I opened the message.


Come to my house pls

Ok, I'm on my way

Thank you


I walked down the stairs and back to the couch quickly finishing my coffee, I stood up then walked back up to my room and got everything I needed. I walked back downstairs making sure Xanny is in before I close and lock the back door, I got his leash but I don't put it on because he's trained off leash so it's easier. I walked out the front door locking it behind me before I took my phone out and started walking, I went to messages then clicked on Rachel's name and started typing.


What happened last night after
I left tho?

Nothing much, turns out that
Billie is the only one who heard

Oh thank fuck but still, ugh

What you do when you got home?

I texted Billie on insta asking if
she heard it so she said yes so I
asked what she was doing
eavesdropping but she didn't
answer it so I apologized for
being hard on her then I went
to sleep

Ohhhhhh pffft haha

Now guess what happened this

What? I'm too damn lazy to guess

She said that it's ok but then she
called me baby and apologized
for eavesdropping

Wtf holy shit haha
You both apologizing lmao



I bumped into someone as both our phones fall and we bump our heads as we kneeled down on the same time.

"oww fuck" we both say on the same time but that, that voice. We both freeze but keep looking at our phones on the ground, I immediately grabbed my phone and stood up in a hurry running away with my head low as Xanny run next to me. I put my phone on making sure it's actually mine and just luckily it was, I finally stopped and sighed of frustration as I did not see the bump in coming.

I finally got to Rachel's house so I just walked in with Xanny and everyone attacking him in a hug as he's happy, I closed the door with another sigh walking to the couch and just falling on it.

"what happened to you?" Rachel asked as all our friends are looking at me.

"another run in with Billie" I said then she laughed and I shot her a glare as she raise her hands in defense, the others look each other confusingly as they look back at me and Rachel.

"we had a run in with Billie Eilish but I said something that neither of us is gonna say" I said glaring at Rachel again as she just laugh.

"that was your own fault" she said as she laughs harder.

"I didn't know they were gonna sit behind me" I said back as she is now rolling around on the ground laughing.

"but you still said it" she said holding her stomach as the others started laughing with her because 'laughter is contagious' like the fuck, they're probably right but still.

"you people are weird as fuck but I still love ya all" I said as they stopped laughing and came hugging me for absolutely no reason but I still hug back.

"we love you too plus your also weird"
Kyle said hugging me tighter almost killing me here.

"you all are gonna kill me" I said but they only hugged me tighter.

"you people seriously trying to kill me" I got out then they all let me go.

"thank you" I said as they chuckled and Xanny came laying on the couch by me, everyone sat on the couches and put the TV on going to Netflix.

"what you all wanna watch?" Ryan asked looking around as everyone's eyes land on me.

"what?" I asked but they kept staring at me like I'm a fucking billion dollar painting.

"you choose the best movies" Sarah said making me sigh as I look back at the options seeing The Grudge making a smile grow on my face.

"The Grudge" I said looking back at them as they look at each other but shrugged and played that, we spent the day watching horror movies and laughing at some jokes just having fun. Emma even brought the whiskey and Vodka out as we all got wasted after she brought that out, we all also put our phones on silent not to get our fun moods ruined which didn't get ruined as we all passed out having fun with our mini friend party thing.


Sorry for if there's any miss types
I have a war with my keyboard

Drama//Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now