Let's see who's first
Someone requested another part and someone likes being called 'mamas' so 😉
Julia POV
Today is court day and I'm looking forward to it but I'm also not looking forward to it, reason 1 is because I might be able to get the damn homophobic asses gone and reason 2... because they might win and take control of me but I doubt because I'm 18 not a damn 15 year old anymore but yet I'm only just 18. I told Finneas that today is court and I asked him not to tell anyone yet because I don't want Billie to know... Yet, I don't want her to worry extra as Finneas has been telling me that her depression is slowly starting to get back which I blame myself for leaving.
(just a heads up, I don't know how Poland court work 😂)
We are all already at court and waiting for the judge to come on so that we can get this shit over with.
"Wszystkie podbicie" we all heard so we stood up. (all raise)
The judge came out and took his seat as he looks ovet everyone then down at the papers.
"Wszyscy siedzą" the judge said as he picked all the papers up reading it. (all sit)
"Więc chodzi o rodziców, którzy nie chcą pozwolić, aby 18-letnia córka poszła?" the judge asked looking over us once again. (So this is about parents who don't want to let they're 18 year old daughter go?)
"Dobrze... Zaczniemy od pana i pani Jackson" he said as he then puts the papers down. (well... We'll start off with Mr And Mrs. Jackson)
"Dlaczego nie chcesz pozwolić swojej córce odejść?" he then asked looking as my parents stood up looking at him. (why don't you want to let your daughter go?)
"Przede wszystkim ma zaledwie 18 lat" my mother said causing me to roll my eyes. (first of all, she's only 18)
"Po drugie, bardzo nam zależy na niej" my father said as I now let out a sigh of frustration. (second of all, we care a lot about her)
"Wreszcie, ona jest gejem, ale tymczasem ona nie wie, czego chce jeszcze" my mother said again as I this time look at them with a 'are you stupid' look. (lastly, she's gay but meanwhile she doesn't know what she wants yet)
"Dziękuję, możesz usiąść" the judge said and looked over the papers again. (thank you, you may sit)
"Pani Jackson, twoja kolej" he said so I stood up looking at him. (Ms. Jackson, your turn)
"Moi rodzice są homofobami, nie dbają o mnie, wiem, czego chcę i to jest żyć w moim domu z przyjaciółmi, nową rodziną i co najważniejsze ... Moja dziewczyna, kocham ją na kawałki i szczerze boli mnie zranić ją, będąc tutaj, ponieważ oboje wiemy, że mam niewielkie szanse na wygraną tego ... Moi rodzice traktują mnie jako projekt biznesowy i nienawidzę tego, traktują mnie jak gówno, wiem, że mam tylko 18 lat, ale mieszkam we własnym domu z moimi przyjaciółmi, którzy są moją nową rodziną i moją dziewczyną" I said and took a breath.
(My parents are homophobic, they don't care about me, I know what I want and that is to live in my house with my friends, new family and most importantly... My girlfriend, I love her to pieces and it honestly hurts me to hurt her by being here because we both know that I have a slight chance of winning this... My parents take me as a business project and I hate that, they treat me like shit, I know I'm only 18 but I do live in my own house with my friends who are my new family and my girlfriend)