Prisoner of the future - Donatello

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Please, go read the author note in Leonardo's chapter

Otherwise, I hope you enjoy!

WARNING: Content of the following chapters is dark-themed and may be seen as disturbing by some readers. Please, continue with discretion and read at your own risk.


The date of this particular day was more astounding than any. New York City, the city of hope and dreams, was crying, and this time it wasn't because of pollution. No, it cried for something far bigger, far more severe, far more criminal. You could feel it in your bones, as you took a brief glance outside one of New York City Public Library's windows. The outside world was gray and the rain was already pouring hard, clattering against the glass with a cold, scornful sound. The temperature within the library's walls had been relatively warm, especially in the room of The Periodicals Collection which you were located in. But as you watched the weather keep darkening, the warmth appeared to be leaching out from the room. 

A soft kicking from within your belly broke you out of your daydreaming. You turned your gaze away from the window and looked downwards, noticing how your belly was just barely vibrating from the movements. A gentle glaze wavered over your eyes and you rested a hand on top of your belly to comfort the unborn infant. 

"Bad ornaments don't exist, dear," you soothed, turning back to the bookshelves you were currently searching, trying to find a particular book about parenthood, which one of your parents' business acquaintants once had shown you. "You don't have to fear. Your father and I will keep you safe."

Well, technically, as you were alone at the moment, you would be the one to do so. The other girls attended their own activities, while Donnie along with his brothers had gone on a mission to retrieve some dangerous drugs. The drugs apparently were made up of an obscure mixture of tetrahydrocannabinol, anesthesia, psilocybin, and of course, a high amount of methylphenidate, among others. At least, that was the molecular blueprint for the drugs Donnie showed you. It was a mixture that would give the user a spark of pleasure for about 5 to 10 minutes before actually kicking in. Once kicking in, the user's body would start "reloading" or mutate its cells in so many ways that the person would become a freak of monsters. The mutation would be highly unstable and the body would deforce itself, essentially killing you. 

The worst part wasn't even the painful mutation or the death. It was the fact that the drugs purposefully had been used unconsentually on pregnant ladies and homeless men. Donnie hadn't shown the graphics, but from your understanding, the unborn children of pregnant ladies had the tendency to explode within their mother, causing her to bleed out from within. Horrible. Absolutely horrible.

You shuddered, in an attempt to shake the cruel image out of your head. "The world can be so cruel. May you never have to grow up with that knowledge."

You reached out for a book on the shelf and took it out, flipping through the pages and skim reading the content. The book spoke about raising children in kind and stable environments with people who were the same. The perfect environment contained: No drugs, no abuse, no fights, no alcoholism, and no divorce. At least, you had all those areas covered, so long as you just excluded the Turtles' occasional, brotherly fighting.

Closing the book and putting it back in place, you caressed your belly lovingly, hoping the action would reach your unborn son. It apparently did, because as a response, the movements within you settled down peacefully. The Turtle life was in no way stable. Donnie and the rest of the family were in constant danger. Bruises and blood, while usually not the turtles', were regular occurrences in your day-to-day life. 

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