Peaceful times - Leonardo

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This chapter was inspired by x_shattereddreams_x
Thank you for the support.
I hope you'll enjoy ;)


What way to wake up could possible ever be better, than to feel the strong arms of your love in the morning? Easy answer: to wake up in the strong arms of your love and get a kiss in the morning. It couldn't be more perfect. Specially after a night with little sleep, this sort of treatment was an ideal way to recharge your used-up batteries.

"M-Mm?" Tiredly, your eyes fluttered open, as you felt the gentle gesture of something warm brushing over your brows. Skipping with your eyes disorientated for a moment, your gaze slowly began to focus til you became aware of Leo's face just a hand-length from yours. "Leo?"

"Good morning, sweetheart," he greeted with a soft smile decorating his features.

Covering your mouth with your hands as yawning, you returned his smile. "Good morning."

"How did you sleep?" he questioned, before adding a little more worried. "How are you?"

As much as you didn't like to see Leo worry, you heart warmed a degree for his concern. Last night had been the day you had gone all our as lovers, doing an act only meant for pure, innocent love. Even though Leo had treated you with such gentle care the through the entire act, he still seemed worried that he may had hurt you.

Giggling at his silliness, you reached up and cupped his face into your palms. "I feel great, Leo. Don't worry."

"You really do?"

"I do."Inhaling a breath of relief, he relaxed into you palm and rested his hand on yours. "You're so precious, (Y/n). I need to worry for my wife's golden heart's safety." Turning his head, he kissed the tips of your fingers. "I want to keep you from any harm. Even if that harm is me."

The sound of butterflies in your belly might as well had echoed loud into the room, as much as they flapped happily with their wings. You were aware that the path you had chosen in life was filled with dangers to come. You were happy to hear Leo would shield you from all of them, but at the same time it filled you with a sense of wanting something more. Wanting to protect him. Wanting to be that part of his life, he didn't have to worry about.

You moved your hands and snuggled closer to his chest, leaning an ear against the spot above his heart. "I want to keep your heart safe too. What can I do?"

"Stay safe," he answered instantly. "Stay happy with me."

"How?" you quizzed, gazing up at him.

"Uh." You question seemed to have caught him off guard, yet he quickly recovered with a chuckle. "Like eating dinner with me? Make a family with me?" He smilled lightly and placed a kiss between your eyes. "We don't need anything ordinary to make a happy future for us."

"Hm, I like that," you agreed with another tired yawn, as you comfortable with your position closed your eyes. "I want to wake up like this everyday. With you."

Sensing you were about to drift back into Dreamland, Leo tugged you closer to his plastron and replied quietly, as your breathing already had grown heavier."Me too."

TMNT 2003 Husband Scenario - Dreams Comes TrueWhere stories live. Discover now