Too late to second-guess - Donatello

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For the following chapters, I recommend reading all the brothers' routes for a better experience. The order of reading is as follows:

Otherwise, I hope you enjoy!

WARNING: Content of the following chapters is dark-themed and may be seen as disturbing by some readers. Please, continue with discretion and read at your own risk.


Donnie's POV
Around sunset, the first drizzle of water droplets began to fall and cover the filth and grime of what Donnie only could describe as a cruel reality. While his head wasn't in the clouds like Mikey's, Donnie had always considered himself as a semi-dreaming realist. He believed that any dream could be built if one just formed it with their own hands. He had constructed robots, time machines, weapons, and even homes. All these were created with the power of his brain and the skill of his bare hands. He had even created a relationship with (Y/n) and begun to start a new family. For a while, there had seemed no end to what could be made.

But then reality began to set its limits.

The actuality of things was that Donnie was bound by the same limitations as everything else was. No matter what he did, his beliefs would never be strong enough to create a future that could guarantee (Y/n) a safe, normal life. Regardless of what he did, he could not stop people from getting hurt, he could not stop gravity from existing, nor could he remove the possibility that (Y/n) had died right here, in this backyard, at his feet mere days ago. 

None of the Hamato girls had been home the last couple of days, including (Y/n). Five days ago, she was supposed to have been at the New York Public Library to do some research on parenting techniques, then return home after. Donnie would've logically assumed that (Y/n) had gone missing just like (L/w) while inside the Lair. But after having seen that news broadcast on TV, Donnie didn't know what to assume...


Early in the morning, just before sunrise, the brothers had returned to the Lair after a night in the pursuit of illegal drugs. They had found the narcotics successfully, and after a fight in the midst of the storm, had they returned to an unusually quiet Lair. It had not taken long for the brothers to figure out that something was off and the people who should've been in the Lair were not there. Things were going downhill by the minute, as one dreading discovery after another was made.

Several leads found in the Lair had led them to the conclusion that somebody uninvited had been in the Lair and that (L/w) had gone missing. The biggest hint towards this was in the kitchen where havoc had broken loose and things were either broken or turned over. It wasn't long after that uncovering that Raph's phone had rung with more bad news for them.  (R/w) had gone missing, as well.

Strapping back his drawn bo-staff into the strap on his back, Donnie went to pick up a chair while mulling over what exactly was going on. Two girls were now missing for unknown causes. Somebody had tingled with their security cameras and somebody had left them a threatening message. A circle was beginning to be drawn and Donnie did not like where it was going at all.

"Wasn't (Y/n) supposed to be home, too?" Mikey quizzed, glancing towards Donnie.

His question confirmed a fear Donnie had had, but instead of panicking, he took a calm breath. "She was likely here with (L/w), meaning if we find one of them we'll find the other, as well." He picked up another chair from the floor and nodded towards the kitchen's entrance. "Let's grab the cleaning supplies and get the shards off the floor.  We might find more clues if  we go through things carefully."

Leo nodded slowly, clearly finding it difficult to think straight in his current state of worries."Mikey and I will help you grab them." Leo went over and nudged Raph's shoulder lightly. "I know, you want to. Go look for (R/w). She might be out there still."

The look Raph curled his fist and nodded. Not having to be told twice, he turned around and ran out of the kitchen to go search. Donnie watched Raph's silhouette leave, before following Leo as he signaled for Mikey and Donnie to follow him out. It didn't take long for them to find the needed supplies in the Lair's storage room. Just as they were about to return to the kitchen, the TV, which was still turned on, played the melody of the breaking news night report.

"Breaking news!" the narrator cited. "It has been reported that a blurry video of a woman jumping out of the New York Public Library earlier today has been riffing on the internet."

Donnie stopped dead in his track and turned to the TV with wide eyes. Surely this was a coincidence. There was no possible way that that woman could be who Donnie imagined it to be. The reporter interviewed a police officer, and the more he spoke, the more Donnie could feel his heart sinking into his feet.

"We have witnesses stating that they saw the woman jump from the fourth floor. Due to the magnitude of the storm, they can not describe her or the scene well. However, she's said to have had (h/c), (h/l)."

"Why haven't you identified her yet?" the reporter questioned.

The officer hesitated momentarily on the screen before answering. "The fact is that we know that no one could possibly survive that jump, but... we haven't found the body yet."

On the monitor, a video taken with a phone was displayed. The video was blurry due to the heavy rain constantly confusing the lens and the quality was bad because the video had clearly been recorded from a far distance and then zoomed in. Despite all of this, Donnie could without a doubt recognize the figure of the love of his life, as she jumped to what seemed like her death.

Donnie dropped everything he had in his hands and ran to the TV, as if to stop her, while he cried out: "(Y/N), NO!"

Time had stopped for Donnie at that very moment, as he watched her body be weighted by gravity. He could not hear nor see her body hit the concrete underneath her, but Donnie's vivid imagination let him experience it. He could feel (Y/n) hourglass running out, just as fast as he could feel his own life ticking down.

Time had run out for the both of them.


Donnie crouched down and ran his hand over the concrete where he had estimated (Y/n)'s body would've landed. The police had left the scene yesterday, seeing as there had been no more useful information about the 'unknown' girl, so Donnie was safe to be in the backyard without getting discovered. Donnie couldn't quite remember what had happened to him after having watched the broadcast. All he could remember was the burning image of (Y/n) falling without him there to catch her. The police officer had been right that there was almost no chance that a regular human would survive this fall. Not from the height she had jumped.

Turning his gaze upwards, Donnie glanced at the patched-up window several feet above him. Logically, speaking she wouldn't have survived, however, what exactly took place here that made her jump in the first place? And if she was actually gone, her body would've still been here. Maybe it was wish-thinking, but with these factors still unclear, Donnie had a vague hope that she might still be alive.

"Please," Donnie whispered a quiet prayer. "Please, still be out there somewhere, (Y/n)."

Donnie wasn't religious, but maybe somebody had hurt his prayer, after all? Donnie grabbed his phone from the small puff bag he had with him and answered the phone without looking at the name. The voice of his brother reached him before he could say anything.

"Donnie, you need to meet us at the Empire State Building, now," Leo said urgently."(Y/n) might still be alive."

To be continued.

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