Giyuu x Demon Tanjiro|Aftermath|

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Uh- this is a aftermath of Giyuu x Demon Tanjiro series.. So this is gonna be quite short soo... I might start to post more than GiyuuTan so chose some other ship! (If you want.) Anyways- yeahhh, Enjoy!

Nezuko's POV

I woke up this morning with the sun shining on my face. I sat up to see Tanjiro was still gone, I swear i will kill Giyuu if he did anything to Tanjiro.. Might as well go check.

I got up and put on my kimono and sandals. I got up, brushed my hair and but it up in a bun. I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me. I started to walk towards Giyuu's place.

Giyuu's POV

I woke up to Tanjiro's face in my chest with his hands wrapped around my waist. 'He's so cute.' I thought to myself. I kissed him on the forehead and sat up. I put on my kimono and walked out of my room. I was pretty hungry. I walked to ny kitchen and was about to make breakfast..

I heard a knock on the door followed by a "Hello?" I recognized the voice, Nezuko. I stood there dumb founded, until i realized something. 'She's gonna kill me!' I said to myself. I ran to my bedroom and got Tanjiro up. I dragged him out of bed and put on him kimono. I grabbed his muzzle and fixed his hair.
I put the muzzle on him when i heard Nezuko open the door. 'Shit.' I quickly fixed Tanjiro's hair and covered his neck with his scarf.

Nezuko's POV

I was outside Giyuu's place. I knocked on the door and said "Hello?". After a few seconds i heard russling, I waited a few more seconds before i decided to open the door. I stepped into the nicely decorated room. "Hello? Giyuu, Tanjiro?" I called out one more time. I saw Giyuu walk out of a room. "Hey, Nezuko." He said, I saw sweat on his forehead. That made me suspisous.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked Tanjiro when he walked out of the room.
"Mhmm!" He said nodding his head. I saw the scarf on his neck, which was weird.. I walked up to Tanjiro and removed the scarf.
"Why are you wearing this?" I said while removing it.
"Uhhm-" Giyuu said gulping.
I looked at Tanjiro's neck closer and realized.. There were marks..

"Shit." Giyuu said.
"I'm gonna kill you.." I said looking at him.

3rd Person POV

"I'm gonna kill you.." Nezuko said looking at Giyuu with dead eyes. Giyuu turned around and darted out of the room and ran outside. Nezuko ran after Giyuu, leaving Tanjiro behind and confused.

Tanjiro went back into the room, crawled under the blankets and went back to sleep.

Nezuko chased Giyuu around the yard for a few minutes and when she finally caught up to him, she beat the living shit out of him. The Hashira's punished both of them, Nezuko for beating Giyuu and Giyuu for sleeping with Tanjiro.


A/N: Thank you for reading my crappy story. Hope you enjoyed, sorry this was so short and let me know what else you wanna see!

~540 Words~

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