~*Farewell Brahmin Queen*~

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Ashok and Kaurvaki decided to leave the ashram but with them Sugratra had joined them

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Ashok and Kaurvaki decided to leave the ashram but with them Sugratra had joined them. He wanted to find his calling after feeling a bond with Ashok he knew he was a great part of that calling. But what did Sugratra know for he was Shesha nag himself. A great devotee can always find his god and Anant Shesha was with Shri Hari Narayan in his 2 great lives, Rama and Krishna. Enkhara came running through the forest, it was easy to see the desperation in her face and of great exhaustion.

 She tried to find Ashok and Kaurvaki, she talked to the rishi's in the previous ashram but nothing came out of that. "KAURVAKI!" Enkhara yelled getting the attention of Kaurvaki, Ashok and Sugratra. They turned around and saw the exhausted princess Enkhara. "Kaurvaki came forward getting Enkhara to sit beside the tree, Sugratra gave some water to her. "thank you, I come bearing some news." Enkhara said. "what news princess?" Ashok sat down beside her. "its for you Ashok, your mother Queen Shubhadrangi." 

Ashok became anxious, "what about ma?" he questioned, Kaurvaki touched his knee trying to calm him. "hai Dharma laal, your mother, uh, has recently passed." Enkhara stated. Kaurvaki was shocked by the news but Ashok showed particular emotion. "passed, passed what, a test?" Ashok said. "no Ashok she, she's dead." Enkhara stated getting the message through to Ashok. "no my mother's not dead, you must be mistaken!" Ashok stated. "if she is where is her body? Have the last rites been done?" Kaurvaki asked. "no not yet since she passed this morning and as its almost night her body is upon the pyre in cremation ground within the forest." Enkhara explained.

 "what's it doing in this forest? Why hasn't Bindusar done her last rights?" Sugratra asked, curious. "because Samrat Bindusar has take up the sanyas life and only Ashok is left to perform it, though there is some good news Queen Dharma gave birth to your little brother, Ashok." Enkhara answered. "where is he Enkhara? May I see him?" Ashok questioned. "it is possible she had another child, we've been in this van for 11 months now." Kaurvaki stated.

The four went to the cremation ground, they changed into white and saw the beautiful kind Dharma lay upon a pyre. Even in death she looked no less than a queen. From the camp site Enkhara went inside to carry out Ashok's younger brother, she gave him to Kaurvaki. Ashok was gravely upset but knew life is life he had to go on, Kaurvaki had his brother in her arms and handed him to Ashok. Kaurvaki watched Ashok with his brother, go around the pyre with him holding the pot on his right shoulder. 

He finally dropped the pot and it smashed on the floor realising the water within, afterwards he made his sibling hold the fire wood and lit the pyre. Enkhara, Kaurvaki, Ashok, Sugratra and many soldiers, daasi's watched in silence. 

All they could hear was the crackling of the fire, Kaurvaki wiped the tears of Ashok and tried to calm down the crying of his little brother. "what is my brothers name?" Ashok questioned not looking at Kaurvaki, "Enkhara told me Ma Dharma named him Vitashoka or as his other name Tissa." Kaurvaki answered. "nice, Kaurvaki rest, you need it." Ashok said. "as do you, come Ashok we must rest not in the camp as its against the exile." Kaurvaki stated. 

Ashok kissed Tissa's forehead and since Vitashoka was to young he was entrusted by Ashok to stay within Enkhara's protection until the Vanvas was over. Sugratra also slept in the forest not in the camp site, Ashok slept against the tree whilst the other two slept near the fire. Seeing Ashok in a rough position Kaurvaki got up and rested her head on Ashok's shoulder holding his chest and behind his waist. The day began with a good morning but ended with darkness, but this was just a new beginning.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter, so sorry for not updating after so long, due to my country's new lockdown I've had to study at home and i had a serious case of writers block however i'm back. A Queen has gone passed, what is in store for Ashoka and Kalingia now?

Keep reading Siya Ke Ram, Kaurvaki Ka Pyaar!

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