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Season 1 has been completed and has been left on a cliff-hanger for quite sometime I apologise to those people who have been waiting for a new chapter, I've been busy writing and planning out the new chapter's  but also i have been busy with my sc...

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Season 1 has been completed and has been left on a cliff-hanger for quite sometime I apologise to those people who have been waiting for a new chapter, I've been busy writing and planning out the new chapter's  but also i have been busy with my school work as well. 

As you can tell by the title, yes, now we are entering a new journey together within the story. 

The 1st Season was known as: The Royal Reality of Shri,                                                             

which was mostly based on Kaurvaki and her first couple of journey's with Ashoka and how the conspiracies take place within the four walls of the palace.  

As we know or should know within the Ramayana or Siya Ke Ram, Sita and Ram entered into Vanvas the forest exile. In this 2nd season it will be based in the forest.

The 2nd Season is known as: The Journey Within,

which will continue from the cliff hanger of the Ek Ney Adyaay Ka Aarambh chapter. It will also go through what Ashok and Kaurvaki have to go through and if the repeated cycle of violation and purity is questioned again. It will also reveal hidden secrets and the continuing conspiracies within the Magadh palace and the secrets of Kalinga. New characters will be introduced along the way and a big part of it will be played by one of Kaurvaki's supporting characters. But mostly it will show the secrets of their past lives and will by time reveal who they are, it will go through their spiritual journey, the discovering of their own true identities and their great avatar's and forms. (A TRAILER FOR THIS SEASON IS IN PROCESS AND NOW IS COMPLETED ON THE TOP)


The season will make you think if they're truly is a happy ending for our Sita Ram, Ashwaki and will also be recognised as the forest leap!

Yes their will be a leap within the story but it will only leap into a couple months within the Vanvas!

It is going to be a big change mostly for me and i hope you all will still read and like the story through the new season

Good news though, season 2 is not going to be the last season there is a lot more to come within this story it will show all.

The fantasies, each agenda, secrets, the romance, the journey spiritual and moral, and the great meaning behind it all.

Also: The Trailer is on the verge of being complete and will show the footage and blend from Siya Ke Ram into Chakravartin Ashoka Samrat. You know when is started writing this story it was just on the journey of Ashwaki not on them being Siya Ke Ram. But that idea changed when i was finally able to watch the show and had the idea of creating this story. 

Radha Krishna Eternal Love, the great epic will also follow into Mahabharat but might continue again after this story is complete. I would like to do this Ramayan story first then go onto Mahabharat and Radha Krishna plus I'm going through severe writers block in the story so if any who read the story and want it to be updated you can rad this story as well, who knows maybe a Radha Krishna twist will come into Sita Ram! 😏Spoiler

So i hope you will continue to be with me in this new season. 

Love, BloomArcayna


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