Chapter Seventeen

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Have you ever told a lie that has come back to haunt you? Well, mine is coming, has already arrived knocking on my door. My lie is that I told everyone that I have a fiancee, the same fiancee who is gay.

Yes, that's right. William is gay, who is my best friend, and is engaged to someone else who is not me.

"Armelle, can I talk to you for a minute?" My sister calls me into the kitchen leaving Caleb and William in the living room with Mila.

"Sure, what can I help you with?". I asked her. She looked at me with a look saying 'are you serious '. 

"Seriously, Armelle. Who is he? And don't you dare lie to me?". 

This is where my lie caught up to me without me realizing it. I know that when I hurt Alex when I introduced William as my fiancee.

"Amy, he is what I told you guys, my fiancee..."

"Really? Then why is he acting as if he was nervous when you said that he is your fiancee. Like I said Armelle don't lie to me".

"Okay, Amy umm... He is gay and engaged to someone else. And he wanted to see my family". I explained everything to her. She looked a bit confused but she will not let me get through this.

"Okay, I don't understand anything. Anyways, don't do this again". She tells me. 

"I know you are disappointed in me, for what I did today but I just can't let him in again. I just hope you understand Amelia."

"Armelle, he has changed a lot ever since you left, all he did was try to look for and work. But as we promised you that we won't tell him anything about you. Even if he begged us to do, but we didn't want to betray your trust". 

I decided that it was better for him to know the truth than him believing a lie that will hurt him for the rest of his life.

I need this, for myself and him too. I need answers to the questions that I will ask and only he has the answers to them. 

"I know, what I did is bad. I will undo it for the sake of both of us. We need to clear everything in order for both of us to move on with or even without each other".

"Sis, it is your choice. Make the decision when you have thought about it. I will support you no matter what but do the right thing for the both of you". Says Amelia knowing that I need to hear it. And she was right I needed to clear a lot of things.


When you are given a second chance at getting the love of your life back, you would do everything and anything to do it, right? In my case, I let that chance go when Lisa told her that I was her boyfriend, which I didn't even try to deny.

I had to see her even if it was for the last time. Accepting that she is getting married will not be easy but it has to be done. 

Here I am sitting at a coffee shop waiting for her.  The nervousness is visible, I was anxious about what she will tell me.

"Hey, sorry if I am late." She says as she sat down. I didn't realize that she had already arrived and was right in front of me. 

"Hey, it's okay. You aren't late". I tell her while taking in her appearance. She looked the same except more beautiful. It was as if she has changed. 

"Umm... Alex. I have something to confess..."

She was interrupted by the waitress who brought our cups of coffee. 

"Thanks", we both said at the same time.

"I don't have a fiancee", she mumbled. "Am sorry that I lied to you about that. When I saw you that day, I knew that bringing a guy home would hurt you. Even though I didn't know you would be there at that time". She says nervously.

"Who is he then?", I asked her.

I know that whatever her answer is, will either hurt me or give me a chance to win her.

"He is my best friend and colleague. We worked together in Paris. We are..."

"Dating?. I am happy for you, Armelle. You deserve to be happy" I tell getting up from the chair. I paid for the coffee and walked out never looking back. Everyone says that when you love someone, you set them free if they are yours they will turn around and come back to you.

Well, to me that's crap. If you love someone fight for them no matter what they do. Even if they end up making you give up on them.

As I was walking out of the coffee shop, I knew that this is it. A fresh new start for myself.

I guess Armelle was right when she said:" We all need space once in a while to figure out what we want from life".

New Life, New beginnings.

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