Chapter 4

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    "Oh, there you are!" Ryoto perked up as I entered the abandoned shop with Kibo in my hands. "Yeah, yeah. Let's go." I placed the dog down, picked up the duffle bag, grabbed his hand and walked away. "Where?" He asked cautiously. "No time to explain, we better hurry." I grumbled while re-adjusting the bag's strap around my shoulder. "And by the way, why am I always carrying our stuff?!" I hanged the duffle bag around his healthy hand. "That's better!" I sighed and continued walking.
    It was really depressing seeing all those familiar buildings being destroyed. There's my favorite cafe, here's the sports shop where I bought the baseball bats and here. . . Here's the Hope's peak academy. I averted my gaze and started walking faster. As we walked we noticed lots of dead bodies lying here and there. The first floors of the remaining constructions were painted red with blood. How could it happen? In just one month. . .
    As we reached the building on Tori street we sprinted upstairs. I checked the labels on the door. "Here." I opened the door with number forty-four written on it. It was a small apartment with one kitchen and a bathroom. Instead of bedrooms there were simple living room with sofa, TV, bookshelf and a wardrobe. "How did you find this place?" Ryoto kept the bag on the sofa. "Not me, Nagito found it. He left a note." I showed him the little yellow paper.

    While he was examining it I rummaged through wardrobe. There was one futon on the highest shelf, that's it. Walking into the kitchen I saw another yellow sticky note.

Hope you'll like living in here!
It's quite small, but it's near the centre of the city,
Plus, it has all the necessary things for
comfortable living. ; )

    That dork. I opened refrigerator to see a plenty of food in there. "You're quite lucky, having such guy like him covering your back." Ryoto spoke. "Yeah. . . Lucky." I chuckled bitterly. "So, what now?" He asked. "Do whatever you want." I shrugged and took out (favorite snack). I made my way to the living room and turned on the TV. It was a broadcast of the previously mentioned killing school game. It was the third trial, two murders occurred, one of that fatty weirdo and hallway monitor guy. "Oh my god! Are you really watching this?!" Mitarai closed his eyes and turned around. "It's not porn or anything. I'm just interested in Kirigiri's daughter." I said looking back at the screen. "Headmaster Kirigiri had a daughter?!" Ryoto exclaimed clearly surprised. "Well, yeah." I shrugged munching on the snack.
    "Who do you think the killer is?" Ryoto took a seat next to me. "Definitely the gothic gambler." I pointed onto the girl. "Why?" He asked. "Meh, just gut feeling." I shrugged.

    Few hours passed like minutes and Celeste was found guilty. After the execution the broadcast was cut. "I'm going to have nightmares after this." Ryoto grumbled as he rubbed his sleepy eyes. "Yeah, we better go to sleep already." I yawned. "I'll take the futon, you can sleep on the couch." He walked towards the wardrobe. "Yeah sure, whatever." I stretched and made myself comfortable. As I watched Ryoto prepare a futon for himself I slowly drifted off into sleep.
    It was late noon when I woke up. I opened my eyes and looked around the apartment. Silence. The only thing the Tragedy taught me is - if you hear silence it's an emergency alarm. Dashing up from the sofa I started searching for Ryoto. He was nowhere to be found, nor was Kibo. I quickly scanned all the apartment. It was empty. I opened the duffle bag and took out one baseball bat. I swung the door open and ran downstairs. "Hi (Your name)!" Ryoto greeted me as he walked upstairs. "Hi- wait! Where were you?!" I growled. "Walking with Kibo, he looked upset." My gaze shifted towards the brown pup. He started wiggling his tail. "Ugh. . . You made me worried sick." I grumbled as we strolled back inside.
    "Anyway, I find it weird." I rubbed my head. "What exactly?" Ryoto closed the door. "Why have I woke up so late? I mean, after tragedy I can hardly get any rest, and now, this." I fell on the sofa. "You don't remember?" Mitarai looked very surprised. "Remember what?" I squinted my eyes. "Early in the morning we heard a knock, you thought it was those people who tried to kill us. You picked up the bat and was about to attack a man on the other side. He knocked you out." He explained. "Tch. Impossible!" I scoffed. "I also thought that was impossible, but those guys were from some organisation who help people in Tragedy. They gave us some food and medications." Ryoto opened the fridge.
    "Organisation? Charity of sort?" I asked. "Hmm. . . I think their job is to stop Tragedy. They fight for hope." He smiled dreamily. "Idiots." I mumbled and leaned on the kitchen doorframe. "What?!" Mitarai turned towards me. "I said, idiots! They must fight for world peace! For bright future! Not for hope or despair thingy. It's quite impossible anyway." I shrugged and plopped back onto the sofa. "Why not? Hope must always win! I think it's possible to eradicate despair, if we fight hard enough!" Mitarai exclaimed as determination shone in his eyes. "Dumbass. Hope, despair, they both are important and it's impossible to eradicate one or another." I closed my eyes. "Why do you think so?" Ryoto set the tea pot on and walked out of the kitchen. "Isn't it obvious? If there's no hope, there's no despair. And vice versa." I sat up.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕙𝕠𝕡𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕖𝕪𝕖𝕤 (Nagito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now