Chapter 14

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    Just as I arrived at my office I heard a faint knock on my door. "Come in." I sighed. A familiar detective walked in with her brunet friend. "You have a day off!" Makoto yelped. "People's life at a stake right now, I can't afford to take day offs." I grumbled and opened my laptop. "I understand that you want to help your friends, but you must care about yourself too." Kyoko started. "According to your subordinates, you rarely sleep and eat. How are you going to save everyone if you'll be in such an unhealthy state?" Kirigiri had a point. "What do you suggest?" I shifted my gaze onto them. "Take a rest for now, eat, sleep. Tomorrow we'll discuss the identity of the second traitor." Kirigiri stated. "Alright." I closed the laptop and picked it up. "By the way, what shall we do with Chisa?" I muttered so only Kyoko could hear me. "She is in close relation with Munakata Kyosuke, it'll be very hard to get her." I noticed. "Let's talk about this tomorrow." Detective sighed and walked away, Naegi followed her.
    I enetred my room and closed the door. Taking a quick shower I changed into my pajamas and laid down on my bed. Opening my computer I started looking through all high rank members of future foundation. That's then a sudden curiousity striked me.

What was Izuru searching for?

    I went to my search history, but the page Izuru opened was deleted. Did he do that? He is the ultimate ultimate so technically he knows how to hack and code. I guess I can search some things in the archives tomorrow. Taking out my notepad I written down tomorrow to do list. I resumed my search on suspicious high ranks until I remembered Tengan - san. What if it's him? Then, future foundation is rotten to the very core. But it's just an assumption, right? It can't happen, right? I tried to shake off my uneasy feeling as I continued searching through.

    After two hours or so I realized that it's all was useless. Even if we find out who the second traitor is what will happen then? If they are of high rank then I'm nobody to accuse them. I must find concrete evidence, but. . . will I be able to do it? With many thoughts running wild in my mind I fell asleep.

    I woke up earlier than usual today. I took a long relaxing bath and for once in my life cleaned my room. As I was changing into my work suit I heard the doorbell ring. I cautiousy walked towards the door and opened it with quick movement. "Good morning, miss!" I heard Hiro's cheerful voice. "Hey, what are you doing here?" I continued buttoning my coat. "We came here to take you for breakfast." Mikasa informed. "Hmm. . . detective?" I looked at her as she nodded curtly. "I see." Sighing I walked out carrying my laptop.

    As we walked inside the cafeteria I saw three familiar faces. Kyoko stood up when our eyes met. "Am I late?" I sat down next to her. "Not really." Makoto reasurred me. "Mikasa, Hiro, stand guard near the entrance door." Kirigiri ordered as both of my subordinates stood on each sides of the entrance door. "So, what are we gonna talk about?" Ryoto looked at all of us. "The traitor." I answered grimly.
    "Chisa Yukizome, she has strong influence on Munakata Kyosuke. It will be risky for us to blame her without any proof." Kyoko frowned. "True, if we make a wrong step we all might end up in the prison cell, or even worse." I added. "What if we spy after her?" Ryoto suggested. "I don't think it'll work, remnants of despair are quite sly. She might notice us in no time." Makoto sighed sadly. "What if we won't do anything." "I agree with that!" Naegi exclaimed. "Shh!" I hushed. "Sorry, bad habit." Brunet sank into his seat. "So what shall we do?" I turned to Kirigiri. "We will let her do whatever she wants and attack when she will do the wrong step." Detective hummed. "Clever." I smiled.
    "Now, about the second traitor." Mitarai started. "Who are they?" "I'm not quite sure, but I think it's someone from the headquarters." I informed. "I agree, in order for remnants to take over future foundation they need someone from the top." Kirigiri nodded. "But Yukizume can manipulate Munakata - san, right? He's also in the top." Makoto noticed. "Not really. . . He's second after-" I stopped mid-sentence when I realized something. "So you thought about it too." Kyoko sighed. "Hm? About what?" Makoto perked up as he shifted his gaze from me to Kirigiri. "This might be a possibility." Detective stood up. "Better keep quiet about the traitors, (Your name) stay safe." She looked at me and nodded slightly.
    With that our meeting has ended.

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