Chapter 15

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    The trial didn't go so well. . . I was accused for betrayal, murder of the previous director of 15th division and association with remnants. Kyoko along with Makoto and Ryoto fought desperately for my freedom, alas it was not meant to be. It was the moment of the judge's final decision. And the judge was no other then Tengan himself. "(Your name), I can't believe you could've done something that awful." He sighed. "How many times do I have to tell you?! It's all a fraud! Sham! I'm not the traitor! I haven't murdered that director either!" I grumbled as I couldn't yell anymore. "So you did associate with remnants?" "They're my former classmates, what do you think? Of course I did." I looked on the ground.
    "Despite I hardly believe that someone like you could've done something so horrible, Munakata's proof provides clear evidence of your wrongdoings. As the chairman of the future foundation and the judge of the current trial I sentence you for life imprisonment." He declared. "No. . . Please. . ." I looked away. "YOU CAN'T DO THIS!" I dashed towards the judge and tackled him to the ground while guards were pulling me away I leaned in to the old man's ear. "I know you're the traitor, I can't wait to see you in hell." I smiled as I was pushed away from him.

    "I declare a new sentence, execution! What will your last wish be, young lady?" He glared at me. "To see death reap your soul, Tengan!" I laughed. "This case is officially closed. Miss (Last name), your execution will be held tomorrow at 6 am in the morning." The judge walked away as everyone followed after him.
    "How dare you?!" Before I could react Munakata kicked me in the guts. I fell down face first as my hands were cuffed behind me. "You should've jumped off the rooftop." He spat as Chisa walked towards him. "Kyosuke! Don't hurt my student! She's fragile afterall." She sent me a sly smirk of victory. "Take her away." Munakata ordered as I was roughly picked up and led out of the courtroom.

    I was allowed to have a conversation with my friends before I was taken away. "Why did you do that?!" Ryoto yelled while gripping his hair. "Death is much better rather then living in closed box." I grunted. "This is. . . This is really bad." Makoto shivered. "I wonder what execution will be performed?" Kyoko remained calm. "Why are you interested in THAT?!" Mitarai exclaimed. "No reason. Just plain curiosity." She was definitely scheming something. "Miss (Your name)! We can't allow you to get killed!" Hiro shouted as he and Mikasa ran into the scene. "You're innocent, we know that!" Mikasa added. "I know guys, thank you, a lot. I wouldn't have survived without you all. But, it's the end. Goodbye." I smiled and walked away into my cell.

    Murphy's law doesn't sleep and the night flew by in a matter of seconds. I couldn't fall sleep all I did was look at the ceiling and remind myself about all the good times of my life. I recalled every joyful memory of mine smiling as I remembered my days in academy. My first time meeting Hajime and Chiaki, the fun me and Nagito had while hanging out. . .

Did he deserve this?
There might've been a reason for him to spy on me and all I did was yell not allowing him to explain himself. Nevertheless, I'll never see him again, he will remember me as noisy little bitch.
Unless. . .

    I heard a loud knock on my door as I sat up. "It's time." The guard sighed. "Wait, my last wish wasn't fulfilled." I mumbled. "I'll call Munakata san on that matter." He indeed called the white haired prick as he entered my cell. "I want to change my wish. I want to see my dog the last time plus, can I borrow a piece of paper and a pen?" I asked. "I'll ask my men to bring your dog to the execution ground." He said coldly.
    I was dragged out into the vast dirty field. "You'll be executed by a single shot to the head." Munakata announced. "Here's your dog." He threw me a leash as Kiboinu ran towards me. "Paper and pen." He handed me the items. I wrote something really quick and stuffed the paper into Kibo's collar then I unclipped the leash and thew it away. "Who's a good boy?" I smiled through tears. The dog waved his tail although he looked sad. "Now, run to your real owner. Pass him the message." I patted his head as he ran away. Sometimes he stopped and looked my way but he still kept running.

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕙𝕠𝕡𝕖 𝕚𝕟 𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕖𝕪𝕖𝕤 (Nagito x reader)Where stories live. Discover now