Chapter 6

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Leo and Mikey led the three girls to the lair. They were anxious to see their sister and wanted desperately to run but they couldn't leave her friends behind. As they entered the lair they spotted Raphael in front of the couch pacing up and down.

"Raph, what's happening?" Leo asked as they approached.

"Donnie and Master Splinter have her in the lab" Raph replied before looking towards the 3 girls standing behind his brothers. He had to admit, he was surprised at how well they were handling the whole thing. April was a fully grown adult, and a scientist none the less, yet even she fainted.

"Who is this Master Splinter you keep talking about?" asked Beth.

The brothers looked between themselves, deciding mentally what to say.

"He is our adoptive father" Mikey replied after a few moments of silence.

"Is he a turtle, like you guys?" Kelly asked curiously.

"Erm, not exactly" Leo replied uncomfortably, rubbing the back of his neck, "Look we'll explain our story to you later but for now we'd like to see Andrea. You are welcome to follow us."

Without saying another word, Leo and Mikey walked off in the direction of the lab.

"You girls coming?" Raphael looked at the girls once more before leaving to join his family.

The three girls stood for a minute before heading in the direction the turtles had taken, sticking close to each other's side. As much as they wanted answers they also wanted to see Andrea.

As they entered the lab they as Andrea laying motionless on a lab table with Donatello by her side putting stitches into her forehead.  The blood that had once covered her face was now gone, revealing how pale she actually was.

Leo, Raph and Mikey stood off to the side of the table, keeping a close eye on Andrea but without getting in Donnie's way.  What surprised the girls the most was the other figure in the room. Sitting next to his daughter's bedside, holding her hand in both of his own, was a giant rat.

Kelly gasped in shock, falling back slightly into Beth and Maddie. Beth held tightly onto Kelly's hand, knowing that she was almost in tears.

Master Splinter turned his head and smiled at the girls.

"You can come closer to her my dears, you will not be harmed. I promise." Hesitantly the girls moved forward until they were only a few feet away.

"Andi, she looks dead." The tears that had been threatening to leave Kelly's eyes were now falling down her cheeks.

"She is just unconscious, it looks worse than it is. She will wake up eventually, don't worry," Donatello reassured everyone, trying his best to put on a sincere smile.  

"Why don't we all move into the living room and allow Donatello to finish treating Andrea?" Master Splinter as he stood up, using his cane for support, "I believe you ladies are owed an explanation and probably have many questions. "

Everyone, besides Donnie, followed Master Splinter out to the living room. He sat in the armchair and gestured towards the couch for the girls. The brothers sat on the floor across from the couch next to their father.

"Before I tell you our story, may I ask your names?" Splinter asked the girls. Each of the girls stated their name in turn, even though Maddie required an elbow nudge from Kelly.

"Welcome to our home ladies, I assume my sons have already offered you something to drink and eat?"

"Erm no sorry, we went straight to see Andi" Mikey replied as he rubbed the back of his neck.

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