Chapter 2

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The family adapted well to life in the new lair. It didn't take them long to clean the place up and make it livable. They had already collected the necessities that they needed from the old lair. The kitchen was fully fitted and each bedroom had the owner's bed. There were only a few things left to retrieve, which is what Leo and Raph were currently doing.

The new sewer slider that Donatello had invented was filled with salvageable items, tied down by a piece of rope. Once the pair had finished packing they jumped into the slider, Leo reminding Raph that Donnie had not yet completed all his checks on the transportation unit. As usual, Raphael didn't listen, pushing the speed as fast as it would go.

While Andrea was waiting on her brothers to return she had spent some time doing Katas. The exercise was not only about balance and flowing movements but also concentration and focus, something she felt she had been lacking in recent weeks. With Mikey wandering around setting up dozens of TVs causing distractions every 5 seconds, she was defiantly needing to work that aspect today. Andi was being to wonder where he got all those TV's from. It certainly wasn't from the old lair.

She was vaguely aware of her brothers having a discussion about what to call the new lair.

"Turtle cave? The Shellter?"

"The sewer of solitude?"

"Terrapin Station?"

"The school for gifted reptiles?"

"The hall of ninjustice?"

All their suggestions made her wince. It was a good thing that these two would never be fathers. She couldn't imagine all the terrible names they would come up with. Luckily Master Splinter came up with a sensible answer.

"My sons, we will call this place home"

"Catchy!" Mikey said, his ever bright personality shining through.

"It's better than what you two came up with" Andi replied earning a brief glare from both turtles.

"What is keeping Leonardo and Raphael?" Master Splinter questioned.

"They went to collect the last of the stuff from the old lair"

"And with the way the new sewer slider is performing they should be back any minute now," Donnie continued on from what Mikey had said. He had just got the words out of his mouth when the robot leg he was working on began to spark.

"Why I am I suddenly nervous?" Andi asked jokingly teasing her brother, earning a glare from Donnie.

They both turned towards the entrance when we felt the rumble of the Sewer Slider's return. As Raph set the vehicle down Donatello gave Andi a smug grin.

"Good news Mikey, you're DVD collection survived" Leo announced as he jumped down with the box in his hands. He tossed it over to Mikey who caught it with ease. Naturally, Mikey wanted to put on a horror movie straight away.

"Awesome, let's throw in something light on story and heavy on gory" Using the remote he turned on the TVs, which happened to be on the news channel. Mikey went to change it but Donnie stopped him.

"Wait, I want to see this"

The news anchor was talking about some scientist named Dr Baxter Stockman who was unveiling his new invention. Everyone gasped in shock and surprise when the curtain was lifted. There on-screen was one of the annoying metal robots, apparently called Mousers, who destroyed their old lair. They all watched in horror as it was released into a maze filled with half a dozen rats and ate them all one by one.

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