Chapter 3

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After eventually convincing Leo that they couldn't just leave the unconscious woman alone in the sewers the siblings brought her back to the lair, Master Splinter wasn't happy with them at first, but he did understand their intentions. He knew that they were trying to do the right thing.

Andrea had been sitting on the floor next to the couch that the woman was lying on since they got back. She had already asked Donnie to put the heating up slightly and wrapped a blanket over the red-headed woman to stop her from getting cold. Her clothes were damp from running through the sewers, and the last thing that she needed was to get sick. Andi's clothes were soaked as well. Leaving the woman in the care of her brothers, she went to take a shower assuming that it would be a while before the woman woke up. Boy was she wrong.

Andi had just stepped out of the shower and was drying off with a towel when she heard the woman's screams echo through the lair. Quickly she threw on her wet clothes again and sprinted out of the bathroom. Her father and brothers were all standing around the couch, unsure of what to do.

"What on earth happened?" Andi asked, looking to see who would answer.

"She woke up and then fainted again" Raph explained as if it was nothing.

"Hey come on, we don't have much practice talking to humans" Mikey replied.

"Hi there, my name is Andrea. 16-year-old human, nice to meet you!"

"What Mikey means is that it is different with you, Andrea, you've known us your entire life."

She rolled her eyes and didn't reply to Leo.

"I'm going to go dry my hair and change my clothes. This time if anything happens, come and get me straight away."


Within 10 minutes, she was finished and back in the living room. The woman was just beginning to stir as she got there.

"Leo go make her some tea for when she wakes up" she ordered him. He stared at her for a moment, not used to being ordered by his sister, but didn't argue while Raph went to get Mikey. Andi turned my attention back to the woman who was now fully awake.

"Where am I?" she asked, confused and slightly disorientated.

"It's okay, you're safe. We found you in trouble in the sewer and brought you here" Andi explained just as Leo returned with the tea. The woman accepted the cup, thanking him before taking a sip. Raph had now returned with Mikey as well.

"So are you okay now?"

Andi glared at my brother in orange, but he just brushed it off.

"Yes thanks, I've decided that this is a very long dream that I keep not waking up from or it is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to me" the woman, who's name they now knew was April, said.

"Young woman, we have something most important that we need to discuss" Master Splinter announced.


"We have never revealed ourselves to the upper world; you have placed us all in great danger."

"But Master Splinter she was in trouble, and we helped her" Leo jumped in.

"Yeah, aren't you always teaching us to try to do the right thing?" Raph also said.

"As you grow older you will learn that there are many ways to do the right thing, but there is no going back" Master Splinter replied before addressing April again, "I'm afraid we find ourselves at your mercy."

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