Chapter 5

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Keeping her families' secret from people at school had always been difficult and as Andrea grew older it became harder, but somehow she managed. She had only ever told her 3 best friends that she was adopted, like them, but nothing more. As much as she trusted them, she could never willingly put her father and brothers in danger.

Andrea's days were usually always the same; get up, train with Master Splinter, shower, eat, go to school, come home, have dinner, go to work then come home and go to bed. There wasn't much variation in her life. She was a creature of habit.

This morning she had asked Master Splinter if he could focus on her stamina today and he happily agreed. He was very pleased to hear that she was taken an interest in her own training.

"That's all for today Andrea, well done," Master Splinter said, as he did the customary bow.

"Thank you Sensei" she replied, also bowing.

The session was long and tiring so Andrea was desperate for a shower. Her tank top was dripping with sweat and stuck tightly to her torso. She pulled it up and over her head as she walked, not caring if anyone saw. Her brothers were never awake at this time anyway, or so I thought.

While the fabric was covering her eyes she walked into something solid. The person reached out and grabbed her arms, preventing her from falling, before pulling her forward. She was conscious that their hands were extremely close to her breasts. Blushing, she pulled the remainder of the shirt off to see Donatello being a true gentleman and trying not to look at her exposed chest. It was a bit difficult considering how close they were standing, and that he was 6ft 3 compared to her 5ft 4.

Almost instantly she noticed how toned the muscles in his arms had become. Sure all 4 of her brothers had developed over the years of training but there was something different about Don. He had more control and definition in his movements. She had often found herself watching him during training sessions, admiring from afar.

Wait? This was her brother she was thinking about! Sure he was a mutated turtle and she was a human but they had grown up as brother and sister. So why did something so wrong feel so right?

"Hey, um, sorry I never saw you there" Andrea stuttered stepping back.

"It's okay" Donnie replied rubbing the back of his head. She could have sworn that she saw a slight redness on his cheeks. "How was your training session with Master Splinter?"

"It went well and I'm exhausted"

"I can see that" He gestured to the damp shirt still in her hand.

"I better go shower before I'm late for school" It wasn't exactly a lie.

"On you go, I'll start making breakfast for you" he smiled sweetly before heading towards the kitchen.

"Don't let Leo touch the toaster, we can't afford for it to break again!" she said as he walked away.

"I heard that!" Leo shouted from across the lair.

Giggling, Andrea continued on to the bathroom before shutting and locking the door behind her. After peeling off the rest of her clothes she jumped in the shower, immediately turning the water to cold. She needed to cool down in more ways than one.


It was the end of the school day and Andrea had just shut her locker when she felt something suddenly hit her on the back of the head. She turned around to find her best friends Maddie, Beth and Kelly standing a few feet away from her laughing. She picked up the empty bottle lying at her feet and tossed it to Maddie.

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