Chapter 7

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Leo and Beth sat in silence, neither expected their conversation to take the turn that it just had. Each was left to their own thoughts as the minutes passed. A groan from Andi drew their attention, jumping to their feet as fast as their legs would allow them. Leo shook his brother in purple's shoulder, waking the reasonably light sleeper instantly. Donatello was at his sister's side as soon as he realized what was going on.

"Andi? Andi, sweetheart? Can you hear me?" Donnie asked as he shined a torch in her blue eyes, testing her pupil dilation. Andi didn't reply right away, instead, she tried desperately to remember the events from before she blacked out.

"Donnie? Leo? What happened?"

"You got attacked, how much do you remember?" asked Donnie as he continued to assess her vitals.

"The purple dragons cornered me in the alleyway, I was walking home with the girls," as she spoke Andi began to remember everything and began to panic, "Oh my god, the girls were there. What happened to my friends?!"

"Easy Andi they're fine, they are all here."

Andi stopped suddenly and stared at Leo. "What do you mean they are here?"

Leo took a small step to the side, allowing Beth to be seen. The sight of her friend in front of her was enough to send Andi into a panic attack.

"No, you can't be here. You can't be here, you can't know!"

"It's okay Andi," Beth smiled lightly and took a few steps closer.

"No it isn't okay, you were never supposed to find out! Oh god, this is all my fault!"

"You were outnumbered Andi, if you hadn't called us then you would probably be dead."

"I should be dead, I deserve to be dead!"


"Alright that's enough, Leo go let everyone else know that Andi is awake," Donnie said sternly before things got even more heated. Nothing more was said until Leo left the lab.

" I screwed up Donnie, I'm so sorry!" Andi said as she began to sob.

" Shh Andi, you didn't screw up at all," Donnie said and pulled her into a hug and held her tightly in silence while she cried. Beth stood watching the siblings amazed at how attentive Donatello was to Andi. One arm was wrapped tightly around her back while his other hand stroked her auburn hair.

Approaching the other side of the bed, Beth took her friend's hand and squeezed it softly. Andi turned her head out of Donatello's plastron so that she could see Beth's face.

"You shouldn't have come back for me," Andi said as tears continued to fall down her face.

"We would never leave you behind Andi, you know that"

"That's not the point Beth, you shouldn't be here!"

"I can leave if you want?"

"That's not what I meant, you weren't supposed to know about any of this."

"It's done now and none of us can change it,"

"She's right Andi, you've protected us for so long," Don replied, his hand still stroking her head, "Maybe it's time you let your guard down a little bit."

Andi remained silent, letting their words set in, eventually calming down.

"Can I try to stand up?" asked Andi.

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