Chapter 1

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"Remember to be a true ninja you must become one with the shadows. Darkness gives the ninja power while light reveals the ninja's presence"

Andrea sat in silence in the darkness watching her father and brothers train. When she returned home from school she saw that the lights were off and remained where she was. She knew better than to interrupt her father during training.

"Now can you extinguish the flame without revealing yourselves" Master Splinter held the lit candle in his left hand and closed his eyes while waiting for the brothers to make their moves. Andrea was curious to see what tactics each would choose.

Donnie when first, attempting to jump over Master Splinter by coming in from the right but he missed as Master Splinter had lower the candle closer to the ground out of his reach. Instead of landing on his feet, he landed side-lying on the ground with his shell crashing into the wall.

"Too noisy Donatello"

Next was Michelangelo who attempted a similar move to Donnie. Instead of running in from the right, he chose a diagonal approach but Master Splinter side-stepped out of the way tripping Mikey up in the process. He landed on top of Donnie.

"Too clumsy Michelangelo"

Faintly through the candlelight, Andrea could make out Raphael's silhouette approaching Master Splinter from behind. After a few steps tiptoeing he charged and jumped forward. Just like he had with Donnie and Mikey, Master Splinter moved and dodged Raph's attack putting him at a side position. Instead of adjusting his positioning Raph continued on from where he was. His eyes were so focused on the candle that he didn't see Master Splinter move his cane, causing him to trip up and crash into Mikey and Donnie.

"Poor choice Raphael"

So far Raph had been the most successful even though he didn't manage to reach the candle. This left only Leo. Andrea scanned her eyes across the lair but couldn't see him anywhere. Suddenly he dropped down from the ceiling cutting the candle in two. The piece that was lit landed neatly on his Katana allowing him to blow out the flame.

Master Splinter used his walking stick to turn on the light switch before turning to Leo.

"Well done Leonardo"

"Teacher's pet" Raph muttered.

"Ninja drop out" Leo retaliated and tossed him the remains of the candle causing both to step forward until their plastrons were almost touching. A fight between them would have broken out if Master Splinter had not intervened.

"My sons! If you are to become true ninja you must work harder" he said, "Andrea, come to join us"

Quickly she joined her brothers in kneeling position on the floor, between Leo and Raph. She knew fine well that neither would try and fight the other if she was separating them.

"Master Splinter, shouldn't Andi try now?" Mikey asked, "I mean it's not really fair that we have to do it and she doesn't"

"I have already completed my training for today Mikey" Andrea replied and she had. "I have a double training session instead of one in the morning and one in the evening"

"That's not right!"

Before she could even open mouth Raph was already snapping back a reply.

"Andi goes the school and works two jobs just to put food on our table!"

Mikey hung his head in shame muttering a quiet but sincere apology.

Master Splinter continued on with the lesson while most of his children listened. Mikey's attention was quickly diverted as usual.

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