29. Chapter

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I was currently standing in front of baekhyuns house. My heart was beating rapidly. Had baekhyun really something to do with that day? What could he have possibly done? He had always been so nice, but the way Jimin said it, it sounded more like baekhyun had done something terrible.

I knocked on the door. A few seconds passed, till baekhyun came to the front and opened the door.
"Hey Soojin, it's nice to see you here."
I stepped inside.
"Do you want anything to drink?" He questioned.
A weak smile was placed on my face. I was shaking on the inside. How was i supposed to tell him?
I shook my head.
A frown was placed on baekhyuns face.
"Is anything bothering you? You're strangely quiet today." He stated.
I gulped.
"Baekhyun. " i started off.
"I might have went to a club with jennie and nayeon."
He furrowed his eyebrows.
"Did something happen there? Did anybody bother you?" He said, while walking up to me.
I stepped back. I felt so guilty. He didn't deserve me. I had ruined everything.

I bit my lip. How was i going to put this into a sentence?
"I cheated on you."

Silence. None of us was saying a word. Baekhyun seemed shocked. Hurt. Disappointed.

I just stood there. Waiting for his reaction. But there was none. He was frozen. It was all my fault. I had been a bad girlfriend.

Silence. For 10 minutes already, no noises could be heard. Baekhyuns face still looked the same. His body hadn't moved a bit.

"I'm sorry." He stated.
I frowned.
"There's no reason for you to be sorry baekhyun. I made a mistake and I'm sorry."
Baekhyun started laughing.

His laughter was filling the whole room, while i stood in the same place as before. Why was he laughing? Was he turning crazy because of me?

"Soojin. It's not your fault. I was a bad boyfriend. That's why you cheated. I'll get better, i promise." He explained.

Tears started to form in my eyes. What had i done? He seemed ruined. He was madly in love with me, but i couldn't love him. I never had loved him. That had been my mistake. Getting into a relationship with someone i didn't love, but someone i had only seen as a friend.

I walked up to him.
"Baekhyun. You were great. You were treating me so well, but i've never loved you and i don't think i ever will. You are great, but were just don't meant to be."

Baekhyun kneeled down in front of me. He took my hand. Tears were starting to form in his eyes.

"Soojin, i forgive you. We can try again. You and I were meant to be. Don't give up on us, just because of a tiny little mistake. You'll learn to love me, i promise you." He pleaded.

My body started to tremble. He seemed so diffrent than normally. He was so desperate. Since when was he so obsessed with us?

"Baekhyun. I think you should move on.  You will meet the right girl and you both will have an amazing relationship. Both of you will love each other. But this." 
I pointed at both of us.
"This is no healthy relationship anymore, if it ever was one. I am so sorry. I thought i could get over jimin by dating you. But the truth is, my heart will always belong to jimin. And you were always a good friend for me, but that's everything you've ever been to me. Please, please let go of us."

Baekhyun kissed me on the lips. I stepped back. Why wasn't he letting go?

"Soojin. I love you enough for both of us. I've always loved you. The moment i met you, i knew you were the one. I didn't know how to tell you. I thought that we were going to be friends and then i was going to ask you out. But jimin ruined it. You were mine all along. Jimin just took you away from me, but now look at us. We're a couple and jimin won't have you anymore."

I had always had a feeling thst baekhyun liked me, but this somehow still he surprised me. He clearly was hurt by my actions, but he loved me to much to let me go. This was only bad for him.

"Baekhyun. There is no us anymore. I'm  sorry."  I explained.

"No soojin, you don't get it. I've done to much to just let you go."

I furrowed my eyebrows.
"What?" I questioned. What was he on about?

"You don't know and you don't need to, but I'm the reason you're together with me. I can't let you go. You can't leave me. I can't live without you."

This was starting to creep me out. My gut was telling me to run. To run far away from here, but at the same time i wanted to know what he was talking about.

"What have you done for me?"
I questioned. 

"I made a woman pregnant. I helped her threaten jimin. We had poisened you before the trip. If jimin was going to tell you, he wasn't going to get the antidotes. You would have died. But that would have been okay. Because if you're not with me you can't be with anyone, soojin. You're mine. Not jimin's. It's okay that you cheated. Just stay with me and everything will be alright."

My already trembling body was shaking even more. I needed to leave. Baekhyun was an obsessed psychopath. Why did jimin send me here, when he knew what baekhyun had done? I needed to run. I was going to die if I'd stay.

I saw baekhyun pulling out a gun.
He walked towards the door. He had locked it.

My eyes widdened. There was no escape.

"You're not going to leave me, are you?" He asked, holding the gun to my throat.

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